Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A comment by Prof. Audrey Macklin for a story in the Los Angeles Times about the recent arrest of Canadians accused of involvement in a terror plot has been widely quoted in the press, including stories in the U.K. newspaper the Financial Times, and the U.S. papers The Seattle Times and Rocky Mountain News. A similar comment was included in a Reuters story, which was reprinted by the U.K. paper The Scotsman.

"There is a desire in Canada to see ourselves as very different from the United States" notes Prof. Macklin in the story, explaining that Canadians "picture themselves as being thought of as nicer than the United States." She adds, "We're not a priority target the way the United States is, but that doesn't mean we are protected." 

Prof. Macklin may also be interviewed on Fox News television on this issue sometime this week.

Read the story in the LA Times or the Financial Times.

Read the Reuters story.