Friday, November 5, 2010

Prof. Audrey Macklin has commented in various media about the legal obligations and issues around the arrival in BC of a ship full of Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka.

In the Globe and Mail, Prof. Macklin penned a commentary on the issue with immigration lawyer Lorne Waldman ("Why we can’t turn away the Tamil ships," August 17, 2010).

Read the full commentary.

Prof. Macklin was also interviewed twice on CBC Radio's Metro Morning (Friday, Aug. 13, and Monday, Aug. 16, 2010).

Listen to the Aug. 13 interview on the CBC website (direct audio link) (interviewed by host Jane Hawtin).

Listen to the Aug. 16 interview on the CBC website (direct audio link) (discussion with host Matt Galloway and John Thompson, President of the Mackenzie Institute)