What the forthcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision on abortion means for gay sex and same-sex marriage—it ain’t good: Opinion by Professor Brenda Cossman

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

In an Opinion for Xtra magazine published May 30, Faculty of Law Professor Brenda Cossman writes that by questioning Americans’ right to privacy, the U.S. Supreme Court proves it’s capable of undoing the last two decades of LGBTQ2S+ progress:

Canada should be putting RCMP contract policing on trial: Opinion by Professor Kent Roach

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

In an Opinion for The Globe and Mail, published May 22, Faculty of Law Professor Kent Roach writes that we need a more specialized Mounties and more locally responsive police:

Two years after the worst mass shooting in modern Canadian history – when a gunman posing as a police officer killed 22 people and injured three others over the course of 13 hours – the Mass Casualty Commission in Nova Scotia is now investigating what went wrong.

U of T of Law students delve into journalism, media law issues during Toronto Star 'externship'

Friday, May 20, 2022

U of T students Dan Schechner, Sabrina Macklai and Jane Fallis Cooper pictured on the last day of their eight-month externship in media law at the Toronto Star.

U of T Law students Dan Schechner, Sabrina Macklai and Jane Fallis Cooper pictured on the last day of their eight-month externship in media law at the Toronto Star.

Appointment of Robert Centa (LLB 1999) to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario

Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, May 19, announced Justice Robert Centa (LLB 1999) is appointed a Judge of the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario in Toronto. 

Justice Centa graduated as the gold medalist from the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, in 1999. He had previously graduated with a BA from York University in 1996. After clerking for the Justices of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, he was called to the Ontario bar in 2001.

Celebrating 50 years of community access to justice and clinical legal education: NEXUS magazine

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A person holding a smartphone

U of T's Downtown Legal Service grew from a student-led initiative to provide free legal services to low-income Torontonians into the dual clinical legal education program that sees more than 150 U of T Law students participate in 1,000 community lawyering cases, supervised by 5 staff lawyers, annually.

Bequest by Edward M. Roberts, former lieutenant-governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, leaves legacy for future law students

Monday, May 16, 2022

Edward Roberts

Photo of Edward M. Roberts courtesy of the Roberts family 

A newly established bursary at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law will honour the memory of prominent alumnus Edward Moxon Roberts, CM, ONL, QC (BA 1960 Victoria College, LLB 1964) through a generous bequest made by Mr. Roberts.

Four U of T Law graduate alumni appointed to faculty at McGill Law

Monday, May 16, 2022

Last week, McGill University Faculty of Law announced four U of T Law graduate alumni will join its faculty: 

Jennifer Raso (SJD) will join the Faculty of Law as assistant professor on 1 August 2022; Konstanze von Schütz (LLM, SJD) will begin as Wainwright Junior Fellow on 1 January 2023. Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly will begin as Boulton Junior Fellow on 1 January 2023; von Schütz and Boulanger-Bonnelly will become assistant professors on 1 August 2023.  

Using gaming tactics in apps raises new legal issues: Doug Sarro (SJD) for The Conversation

Monday, May 2, 2022

When new innovations emerge, there’s always a temptation to say that we need to rewrite the rulebook for them. Gamification has been no exception.

Gamification refers to the use of elements from gaming, often by a smartphone app, to make ordinary activities like stock trading or rideshares more engaging. It can have powerful influences on our choices, sometimes in controversial ways.

Researchers collect personal stories from coast to coast to illuminate the history of Muslims in Canada

Friday, April 29, 2022

Supported by the Canadian government, the archive plans to expand its scope from Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador to the rest of the country (photo by Emily Moran)

Supported by the Canadian government, the archive plans to expand its scope from Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador to the rest of the country (photo by Emily Moran)