U of T Law panellists address governance in a time of climate crisis: Law360

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Law360 writer, Amanda Jerome, writes about the Faculty of Law conference Law in a Changing World: The Climate Crisis, held March 2 & 3.

Faculty members tackled an important question during the event's first panel: in a time of climate crisis, who governs?

Professor John Borrows, Loveland Chair in Indigenous Law, wins the 2023 Charles Taylor Prize for Excellence in Policy Research

Friday, March 10, 2023

Professor John Borrows

John Borrows, Professor and Loveland Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law (photo Alice Xue Photography)

John Borrows, one of the world’s leading scholars of Indigenous law, has been awarded the 2023 Charles Taylor Prize for Excellence in Policy Research from the Broadbent Institute.

U of T Law Alumni Awards recognize the exceptional contributions of valued community members

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The University of Toronto Faculty of Law Alumni Awards biennially recognize the exceptional contributions of valued community members. 

Environmental Law, Standing, and the History of the Sierra Club v. Morton: Professor Angela Fernandez

Friday, March 3, 2023

Professor Angela Fernandez, "Environmental Law, Standing, and the History of Sierra Club v. Morton", for JOTWELL (March 2, 2023), a review of  Daniel P. Selmi's Dawn at Mineral King Valley: The Sierra Club, the Disney Company, and the Rise of Environmental Law (2022):

Algorithmic Black Swans: Noam Kolt (SJD)

Thursday, March 2, 2023

In a forthcoming article in Washington University Law Review (Vol. 101) doctoral candidate (SJD) Noam Kolt, a Vanier scholar and graduate affiliate at the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society, offers a roadmap for algorithmic preparedness and a set of forward-looking principles to guide the development of artificial intelligence regulation.

Blue J Legal co-founder Benjamin Alarie on how AI is powering a new generation of legal tech: Canadian Lawyer

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Canadian Lawyer spoke with Professor Benjamin Alarie, Osler Chair in Business Law and co-founder of Blue J Legal, a legal tech company. Since he co-founded the company in 2015 with U of T Law Professors Anthony Niblett and Albert Yoon, Blue J has used artificial intelligence to help answer legal questions. Now, the company plans to incorporate the newest AI technology into its platform: chatbots.

U of T Law event, March 2 & 3, delves into climate change from a legal and policy perspective

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Man in a suit holding a green leaf

How is climate change affecting the law, and the role of law in society?

On March 2 & 3, the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law, aims to broaden legal and policy discussions and explore how climate change is impacting law, and the legal profession at Law in a Changing World: The Climate Crisis.

What happens when Roxham Road is closed: Opinion by Professor Audrey Macklin

Monday, February 27, 2023

In an op-ed published in the Toronto Star, Feb. 27, Faculty of Law, Audrey MacklinRebecca Cook Chair in Human Rights Law, argues that closing the Roxham Road crossing in Quebec would benefit smugglers and security contractors: