Professor Ayelet Shachar's book, The Shifting Border (MUP 2020), reviewed in CHOICE magazine

Monday, March 1, 2021

Ayelet Shachar

Professor Ayelet Shachar (photo credit: MPI-MMG 2020)

Professor of Law, Political Science, and Global Affairs Ayelet Shachar holds the R.F. Harney Chair in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies, where she directs the Harney Program at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy. 

Leading Canadian law firms make long-term commitment to Black Future Lawyers

Friday, February 26, 2021

Black Future Lawyers logo

A newly formed partnership of leading Canadian law firms has committed $1.75 million to the groundbreaking Black Future Lawyers (BFL).

U of T's Black Future Lawyers program set to expand with $1.75 million in support: U of T News

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Ikran Jama says she knew early in her undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto that she wanted to pursue a legal education.

But she was still hesitant.

“When you're trying to understand what a legal education means – and what it means for someone who looks like you – you start to search the web and ask friends if they know anyone who has pursued this kind of pathway,” says the Victoria College student in the Faculty of Arts & Science.

U of T Law students take home the Winkler Cup, factum and oralist honours

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Winkler Class Action Moot 2021

Class action lawsuits are litigated on behalf of hundreds, or potentially, thousands of plaintiffs, providing access to justice while influencing policy change. Named in recognition of former Chief Justice, Warren K. Winkler, the Winkler Moot presents students with the unique challenge of a mock class action proceeding. 

U of T Law students win Cup and top awards at Fox IP Moot

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Fox IP Moot

The Harold G. Fox Moot promotes the advancement of education in the intellectual property field and is named in honour of the late Harold G. Fox, one of Canada’s leading intellectual property scholars and advocates. 

In Memoriam: Meruba Sivaselvachandran, 2L

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The University of Toronto was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Meruba Sivaselvachandran, a first-year MBA student and a 2L in the combined JD/MBA program.

U of T Law wins the Wilson Moot, second consecutive year

Monday, February 22, 2021

Wilson Moot 2021

Wilson Moot judges and mooters

Faculty of Law students took first place in the Wilson Moot, held virtually Feb. 19 & 20. The team also placed second for Best Factum.

Doctoral student Michaël Lessard publishes new book on the relationship between technology and death

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Lawyer and Faculty of Law doctoral student (SJD) Michaël Lessard with Audrey Deveault, a graduate of literary studies from the University of Quebec in Montreal, have published Mourir au 21e siècle : entre corporalités et technologies (Éditions Yvon Blais).

U of T Law students win Best Factum at the 2021 Isaac Moot

Friday, February 19, 2021

2021 Isaac Moot

U of T Law students took home Best Factum at the 14th annual Julius Alexander Isaac Moot (“The Isaac") – held virtually, February 5 & 6, 2021.

Watch The Grand Moot: Mandatory vaccinations and the Charter

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Watch Teodora Pasca and Olivia Eng vs. Geri Angelova and Hana Awwad make submissions on the constitutionality of mandatory vaccinations.