Prof. Jutta Brunnée elected to the Institut de Droit International

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Professor Jutta Brunnee

Renowned public international, and environmental law scholar, Prof. Jutta Brunnée, Metcalf Chair in Environmental Law, was elected to the prestigious Institut de Droit International (Institute of International Law) in recognition of her outstanding work in this field.

From music to magic, meet some of our incoming first year students

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra violinist and first-year law student, William Boan


Stories by Andrew Stobo Sniderman, JD 2014


New 1L Tina Yuan co-authors "How Ottawa's Budget 2018 can reduce poverty and homelessness" in Globe and Mail

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New 1L JD student Tina Yuan has co-authored a commentary in the Globe and Mail with former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page. The commentary makes the case for the federal government to make a concerted effort to reduce poverty and homelessness in its next budget ("How Ottawa's Budget 2018 can reduce poverty and homelessness," August 27, 2017).

Read the full commentary on the Globe and Mail website, or below.

How Ottawa's Budget 2018 can reduce poverty and homelessness

By Kevin Page and Tina Yuan

GPLLM student Kevin Vuong co-organizes Inclusive Cities Summit

Friday, August 25, 2017

U of T master's student Kevin Vuong hopes to inspire a more sustainable and inclusive Toronto at an upcoming UN-backed event (photo by Romi Levine) U of T GPLLM student Kevin Vuong hopes to inspire a more sustainable and inclusive Toronto at an upcoming UN-backed event (photo by Romi Levine)

By Romi Levine

Inclusive Cities Summit hosted by U of T takes place on Aug. 29 and 30

Faculty of Law hopes to revive summer program that inspired Indigenous teens to pursue law

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Amanda Carling (pictured in the front row, second from right) was a student mentor during the 2012 Indigenous Youth Summer Program (photo courtesy of Amanda Carling)
Amanda Carling (pictured in the front row, second from right) was a student mentor during the 2012 Indigenous Youth Summer Program (photo courtesy of Amanda Carling)

By Hannah James

SJD student Haim Abraham writes "Expect more civilian deaths with Trump’s new combat rules"

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

In a commentary in the Toronto Star, SJD student and Vanier Scholar Haim Abraham analyzes the potential consequences of US President Trump's statements on the war in Afghanistan ("Expect more civilian deaths with Trump’s new combat rules," August 22, 2017).

Read the full commentary on the Toronto Star website, or below.

Prof. Michael Trebilcock authors CD Howe report: “Ontario’s Green Energy Experience: Sobering Lessons for Sustainable Climate Change Policies”

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dramatic electrical price increases and modest environmental benefits: these form part of the conclusions to a CD Howe report released today and authored by University Professor Michael Trebilcock, law and economics scholar at the Faculty of Law.

Inaugural Dean’s Graduate Student Leadership Awards announced

Monday, August 14, 2017

Dean Ed Iacobucci is pleased to announce the inaugural recipients of the Dean’s Graduate Student Leadership Awards: SJD students Haim Abraham and Nadia Lambek.

The award honours and recognizes the exceptional contributions of one or more graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding co-curricular and extracurricular leadership at the law school, and whose contributions have helped to make the law school an even more vibrant and inclusive scholarly community. 

"Boilerplate" scholar Professor Radin joins Faculty of Law

Friday, August 4, 2017
professor peggy radin

Contract and property law professor is an expert on 'boilerplate' contracts forced onto online consumers

By Andrew Stobo Sniderman, JD 2014