Prof. Trudo Lemmens co-authors "Disclosure of pharma payments to doctors is a good first step – but it’s not enough"

Thursday, September 28, 2017

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Trudo Lemmens and co-author Paul D. Thacker praise Ontario's initiative to require medical companies to disclose payments to health-care providers, but note other areas of commercial drug marketing that also need greater transparency ("Disclosure of pharma payments to doctors is a good first step – but it’s not enough," September 27, 2017.

Three tips to improve your law firm’s web presence: Because your public legal information matters, says Donner Fellowship summer student

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
law student benjamin miller

By Benjamin Miller, JD/MPP candidate, Class of 2020

This summer, supported by a Donner Fellowship, I worked at Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) on its non-profit law site called Get Ready for the ONCA. Since Ontario’s Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) is not expected to be in force for at least two more years, my task was to add the vital legal information non-profits need in the meantime.

Prof. Audrey Macklin receives a prominent 2017 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo / Photo by Sarah Coyle

Professor Audrey Macklin, Chair in Human Rights Law, is one of five scholars in Canada to receive a 2017 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship, in recognition of her outstanding scholarship and probono work advocating for immigrant and refugee rights.

Kitty Newman Memorial Award given to Prof. Anver Emon

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Prof. Anver Emon is the recipient of the 2017 Kitty Newman Memorial Award which recognizes an outstanding emerging Canadian scholar in the field of philosophy. This award is selected by a committee of disciplinary peers who are Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada.

Mostly fiction readers, 84% first in family to attend law school, 19% have a graduate degree: the 2017 1L Class Profile

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

We love back to school time here at the Faculty of Law, when we welcome so many new students. Here’s a snapshot of the first year cohort: who they are, where and what they studied, what they’re interested in, and much more.

It’s the third year we’ve run a questionnaire to get a better picture of our 1Ls, as we strive to closely monitor the diversity – in all its forms – of our class and keep the numbers moving in the right direction each year.

Click here for more detailed admissions data.

Prof. Anver Emon one of six U of T researchers appointed to the notable Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Professor Anver Emon

The Faculty of Law’s Professor Anver M. Emon, a world-leading scholar of Islamic law, is one of six University of Toronto researchers appointed to the notable Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. In total, the College named 70 scholars to its academy today, in recognition of an emerging generation of outstanding scholarly, scientific and artistic leadership in Canada.

Prof. Jutta Brunnée elected to the Institut de Droit International

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Professor Jutta Brunnee

Renowned public international, and environmental law scholar, Prof. Jutta Brunnée, Metcalf Chair in Environmental Law, was elected to the prestigious Institut de Droit International (Institute of International Law) in recognition of her outstanding work in this field.

From music to magic, meet some of our incoming first year students

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra violinist and first-year law student, William Boan


Stories by Andrew Stobo Sniderman, JD 2014


New 1L Tina Yuan co-authors "How Ottawa's Budget 2018 can reduce poverty and homelessness" in Globe and Mail

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New 1L JD student Tina Yuan has co-authored a commentary in the Globe and Mail with former Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page. The commentary makes the case for the federal government to make a concerted effort to reduce poverty and homelessness in its next budget ("How Ottawa's Budget 2018 can reduce poverty and homelessness," August 27, 2017).

Read the full commentary on the Globe and Mail website, or below.

How Ottawa's Budget 2018 can reduce poverty and homelessness

By Kevin Page and Tina Yuan

GPLLM student Kevin Vuong co-organizes Inclusive Cities Summit

Friday, August 25, 2017

U of T master's student Kevin Vuong hopes to inspire a more sustainable and inclusive Toronto at an upcoming UN-backed event (photo by Romi Levine) U of T GPLLM student Kevin Vuong hopes to inspire a more sustainable and inclusive Toronto at an upcoming UN-backed event (photo by Romi Levine)

By Romi Levine

Inclusive Cities Summit hosted by U of T takes place on Aug. 29 and 30