JD student Laura McGee writes "How to encourage corporate social responsibility" in Policy Options

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

In the magazine Policy Options, JD student Laura McGee has written an opinion piece proposing income tax incentives to encourage corporations to include “social responsibility” provisions in their articles of incorporation (""How to encourage corporate social responsibility," May 2013).

Read the article on the Policy Options website (PDF)

Internationally Trained Lawyers Program celebrates its third commencement ceremony

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ITLP commencement ceremony, 2013

The Faculty of Law’s innovative Internationally Trained Lawyers Program celebrated its third commencement ceremony April 29, 2013, with 37 graduates from 19 countries. And for the first time this cohort had lawyers from Albania, Guyana, Ireland, Malaysia, Moldova, Nepal, Sudan, and Venezuela.

Five students landed 2013 Gordon Cressy Awards

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Faculty of Law congratulates its 2013 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award winners: Clifford Anderson, Anna Cooper, Danielle Glatt, Promise Homes Skinner and Albert Lin. The students, now alumni, were recognized in a ceremony on April 29, 2013. A total of 187 university students received the prestigious award. The awards were created to recognize students in their final year for their enthusiastic dedication to the university through extra-curricular involvement.

Dean Mayo Moran interviewed on CBC Radio's "Metro Morning" after being honoured as "Woman of Distinction"

Thursday, May 2, 2013

On the CBC radio program Metro Morning, host Matt Galloway interviewed Dean Mayo Moran on the occasion of her being honoured as one of seven women named as a 2013 "Woman of Distinction" by YWCA Toronto. They discuss Dean Moran's career path to becoming the first woman dean of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and the issues women face when practicing law.

Committee of inquiry led by Prof. Trudo Lemmens calls for stricter standards regarding seizure of research records

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A committee of inquiry chaired by Prof. Trudo Lemmens has released its report regarding an incident in which Ottawa institutions seized the records of a pair of academic researchers, concluding that the seizure was unjustified. “The seizure of research records is a serious measure that can be justified in extreme circumstances only, where no other reasonable options are available,” the Committee states in its report. The report also calls for greater clarity about the issue of informed consent in research.

Prof. Audrey Macklin - "Conservative citizenship-stripping bill barbaric and pointless"

Friday, April 26, 2013

In a commentary in The Toronto Star, Prof. Audrey Macklin attacks the proposal by the Canadian government to empower the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to revoke Canadian citizenship for certain offences ("Conservative citizenship-stripping bill barbaric and pointless," April 25, 2013).

Read the commentary on The Toronto Star website, or below.

Prof. Kent Roach - "Two steps forward, one back in dealing with terrorism"

Thursday, April 25, 2013

In a commentary in the Ottawa Citizen, Prof. Kent Roach analyzes developments in the use of the law in response to terrorism, in relation to recent arrests and federal government legislation ("Two steps forward, one back in dealing with terrorism," April 24, 2013).

Read the full commentary on the Ottawa Citizen website, or below.

New issue of UT Law Journal edited by Prof. Markus Dubber focuses on "Criminal jurisdiction"

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Spring 2013 issue of the University of Toronto Law Journal (63:2) focuses on the neglected subject of criminal jurisdiction. In his introduction, Prof. Markus Dubber writes

"Criminal jurisdiction deserves more respect, and this focus feature hopes to make a contribution, however small and preliminary, to giving criminal jurisdiction its due. It aims to start a fresh conversation about criminal jurisdiction, in domestic and international law, informed by comparative, historical, and theoretical perspectives."

Boilerplate 2.0: “I agree” – or do I?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

By Aman Gebru (SJD candidate and CILP Fellow) and Diego Garcia-Ricci (SJD candidate and CILP Fellow)

How many times in your life have you clicked “I Agree” or signed a “standard” form contract without even reading it, much less knowing what you consented to?  How many times today?

JD student Grant Bishop in The Globe and Mail: "Canadian Banks: Bigger is better"

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In a commentary in The Globe and Mail, JD student Grant Bishop looks at various studies examining the reasons behind the stability of Canadian banks ("Canadian Banks: Bigger is better," April 11, 2013). Bishop was formerly an economist at a major Canadian financial institution.

Read the full commentary on The Globe and Mail website, or below.