Dean Mayo Moran marks International Day for Persons with Disabilities

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dean Mayo Moran, far right, with AODA review stakeholders, and the minister responsible Dr. Eric Hoskins (second from left) in the foyer of Queen's Park.


Lisa Borsook '80 named one of Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Congratulations to Lisa Borsook '80, Executive Partner at WeirFoulds LLP, on being named one of  the recipients of the 2013 Canada's Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Awards ("Professional" category). The awards are given by the Women's Executive Network (WXN).

These Awards celebrate and highlight the professional achievements of women across the country in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.

Read more on the WXN website.

LLM student Tracy Nanziri - “The importance of outreach in the diversity transformation”

Monday, December 2, 2013

In Canadian Lawyer magazine, LLM student Tracy Nanziri has written a commentary on the need for law firms to do more outreach to increase diversity within their ranks ("The importance of outreach in the diversity transformation," Dec. 2, 2013.

Proxy Contests: Pros and cons of special compensation arrangements

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Leading academics, senior members of the bar and the vice-chair of the Ontario securities regulator held a roundtable Nov. 21 on proxy contests.

Professors Anita Anand and Edward Iacobucci of the Faculty of Law presented their views on whether special compensation arrangements for director nominees in a proxy contest should be regulated or left to shareholder voting. They also explored the need for disclosure of these types of arrangements.

Patent Colloquium hears how IP law is evolving Down Under, and it's called 'hot-tubbing'

Monday, November 25, 2013

By David Kumagai, 2L


From sperm researcher to Federal Court judge, Justice Annabelle Bennett presides over a court where science and the law must learn to co-exist.

The Australian judge spoke to a sold-out crowd of intellectual property lawyers and academics at the second annual University of Toronto Faculty of Law Patent Colloquium, hosted by the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy at the Hart House Great Hall on Nov. 22.

Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh - "In praise of high frequency traders"

Friday, November 22, 2013

In a commentary in the Financial Post, Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh argues that much-maligned high-frequency traders in fact benefit the market ("In praise of high frequency traders," November 20, 2013).

Prof. MacIntosh is also the author of a recently released report by the C.D. Howe institute, "High Frequency Traders: Angels or Devils?" on the subject.

Prof. Kent Roach - “How to hold our spies accountable”

Thursday, November 21, 2013

In a commentary in the Ottawa Citizen, Prof. Kent Roach looks at various mechanisms for legislative oversight of intelligence agencies and proposes "a single body to review the collection and sharing of intelligence throughout government" ("How to hold our spies accountable," November 19, 2013).

Read the commentary on the Ottawa Citizen website, or below.

Prof. Martin Friedland interviewed on TVO's "The Agenda" about the history of U of T

Thursday, November 21, 2013

On the occasion of the publication of the second edition of Prof. Martin Friedland's The University of Toronto: A History, TVO's Steve Paikin interviewed Prof. Friedland on his show "The Agenda" about the project and U of T's storied history. ranks U of T Faculty of Law among Top 5 in the world

Thursday, November 21, 2013

View from Queen's Park of the future Jackman Law Building. (Courtesy B + H Architects/Hariri Pontarini)

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo

The University of Toronto Faculty of Law has been selected one of the Top 5 law schools in the world by online post-secondary resource site

These “five ‘best of the best’ law schools,” have an exceptional mix of “schooling, cachet, connections, and career potential.”