SJD student Kyle Kirkup - "Stop criminalizing sex work"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

In a commentary in the Winnipeg Free Press, SJD student and Trudeau Scholar Kyle Kirkup argues that there are better alternatives to the federal government's new prostitution laws ("Stop criminalizing sex work," December 8, 2014).

Read the commentary on the Winnipeg Free Press website, or below.

Stop criminalizing sex work

By Kyle Kirkup

December 8, 2014

Prof. Anita Anand co-authors "Diversity on boards means more than gender"

Monday, December 8, 2014

In a commentary in the Toronto Star, Prof. Anita Anand, with Prof. Vijay Jog of Carleton University, argues that discussion of diversity on corporate boards should include the issue of visible minorities as well as women ("Diversity on boards means more than gender," December 8, 2014).

Read the full commentary on the Toronto Star website, or below.

2014 Goodman Lecture: 'South Africans have embraced their constitution and demand their rights'

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
South African flag painted on a hand depicting the V for victory sign

Former justice Catherine O’Regan, the 2014 David B. Goodman lecturer, assesses South Africa's 20-year-old constitution

By Sandra Bartlett

Catherine O’Regan had a front row seat for South Africa’s transition to a democracy. As a former judge on the South African Constitutional Court she is well placed to provide a report card on its first 20 years.

US Supreme Court looks north to more balanced, 'Canadian-style' patent law system

Monday, December 1, 2014
Vintage style poster for the 2014 Patent Law Colloquium

Kathleen Sullivan keynotes 2014 Patent Law Colloquium

By Mark Witten

After a century of neglect, patent cases have catapulted onto centre stage at the Supreme Court of the United States—but this time with a decidedly Canadian twist. In a striking trend since 2005, SCOTUS has adopted a Canadian-style balancing of protection and innovation as a standard feature, and reversed numerous pro-patent holder decisions made by lower appellate courts.

JD students work with Asper Centre on Supreme Court case

Thursday, November 27, 2014
L-R: Frances Mahon, Neil Abraham, Marlys Edwardh, Winston Gee

L-R: Frances Mahon, Neil Abraham, Marlys Edwardh,
Winston Gee

Geoffrey Stone on ‘Liberty, Security and the NSA: The View from the Inside’

Saturday, November 22, 2014

By Sheldon Gordon

Geoffrey StoneIn August 2013, a White House emissary approached Geoffrey Stone to serve on a presidential panel following Edward Snowden's revelations about electronic intelligence gathering by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA).

Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh writes series on new national securities regulator proposal

Friday, November 21, 2014

In a series of commentaries in the Financial Post, Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh has analyzed the proposal for a national securities regulator put forward by the federal government and five provincial governments. Read the series on the Financial Post website:

IHRP intern Evan Rankin reports on HIV and the law in India

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Evan Rankin, 2L, was an International Human Rights Program (IHRP) intern at the UN Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific (Thailand) during the summer of 2014. This report was first published in the IHRP's Rights Review magazine.

Reminiscing at Reunion 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Class of 1989 turned out in full force to celebrate its reunion.


About 370 alumni from class years ending in ‘4’ and ‘9’ attended Reunion on Oct. 24-26, 2014, a spectacular weekend of reminiscing over brunches at the law school, dinners in downtown restaurants, kids’ activities and, for the second year, construction tours of the Jackman Law Building site.