Prof. Yasmin Dawood appears on CBC TV's "Power and Politics" to discuss what could happen after the election

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Prof. Yasmin Dawood appeared as a guest on CBC TV's "Power and Politics" to discuss what could happen after the Oct. 19 election if no party gains a majority ("Coalition conversation," Oct. 13, 2015).

Watch the 8-minute clip below.

Prof. Kent Roach co-authors "How Ottawa fails to meet the security challenge" in Toronto Star

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

In a commentary in the Toronto Star, Prof. Kent Roach and Craig Forcese of the University of Ottawa look at the ways in which the Government of Canada has both over-reacted and under-reacted to last year's terrorist attacks ("How Ottawa fails to meet the security challenge," October 13, 2015).

Read the full commentary on the Toronto Star website, or below.


A Q & A with Visiting Professor Matthew Rimmer on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Thursday, October 8, 2015
visiting professor matthew rimmer

Distinguished Visiting Professor Matthew Rimmer researches and teaches intellectual property and innovation law at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia, and was named one of Managing IP's 50 most influential intellectual property people in 2014. At the Faculty of Law this fall, he taught the intensive course, The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Intellectual Property and Trade. Nexus executive editor Lucianna Ciccocioppo interviewed Prof.

2015 Baker Lecture: What does civil war mean? 19th century answers to a nagging question

Monday, October 5, 2015
David Armitage

David Armitage is the Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History and chair of the Department of History at Harvard University, where he teaches intellectual history and international history. His latest book, Civil War: A History in Ideas, will appear in 2016 from Alfred A. Knopf in the US and Penguin Random House in Canada.


By Peter Boisseau

Legal Aid Ontario provides $100K annual funding boost to Downtown Legal Services

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Faculty of Law’s Downtown Legal Services received a $100,000 annual boost to its funding from Legal Aid Ontario, as part of the LAO’s overall increase to the seven legal aid clinics across the province.

DLS will focus this funding to add housing and employment law to its services, which currently include five areas of law: criminal, family, refugee and immigration, tenant housing and academic affairs.

Prof. Kent Roach co-authors "Banishment is a poor tool in fight against terrorism" in Globe & Mail

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Kent Roach and Craig Forcese (University of Ottawa) analyze the new law that enables Canada to revoke the citizenship of dual citizens convicted of terrorism offences ("Banishment is a poor tool in fight against terrorism," September 29, 2015).

Read the commentary on the Globe and Mail website, or below.

Watch: Prof. Michael Trebilcock talk on "Dealing with Losers"

Saturday, September 26, 2015

How should governments deal with those who lose out because of policy decisions? On Sept. 9, 2015, Prof.

Law student awarded national scholarship from Soroptimist Foundation of Canada

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Law student and scholarship recipient Ashley Major

Ashley Major, a second-year law student, was one of four Canadian women to receive a $7,500 national scholarship from the Soroptimist Foundation of Canada, an organization that provides educational funding to women in graduate studies for the advancement of human rights and the status of women.  

David Asper and family honoured with Words & Deeds Leadership Award

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

David, Gail and Leonard Asper (Manuel Sousa Photography)

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo

The Asper Family and their family foundation were recently honoured with the 2015 Words and Deeds Leadership Award, a joint recognition from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and the Jewish Federations across Canada.