SJD student Nathan Gorham writes "Twitter doesn’t do the Ghomeshi trial justice. There’s a better alternative"

Thursday, February 4, 2016

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, SJD student Nathan Gorham argues that the public discussion created by the Ghomeshi trial would be better served if everyone who wanted to could watch trials being broadcast rather than having to rely on second-hand accounts ("Twitter doesn’t do the Ghomeshi trial justice. There’s a better alternative," February 3, 2016).

2016 Literary Moot put Iago on trial, and raised more than $3K for charity

Monday, February 1, 2016

Iago on Trial: (back row, from left) Dean Ed Iacobucci, Prof. Brenda Cossman, Lauren Posloski and Prof. Anthony Niblett with (front row) Prof. Martha Shaffer and Angela Chaisson.


By Maeve Chandler, 2L  /  Photography by Kara Dueck

SJD student reflects on COP21 climate conference

Friday, January 29, 2016

Terry Lavender

Christopher Campbell-Duruflé

“The interviews that I did during the COP21, the content
of the negotiations, the final outcome, and the way it
will be implemented in the coming months provide me
with a fascinating laboratory, ” says Christopher

New research Chair for investor rights—the first of its kind—to investigate better protections for Canadians

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Honourable Hal Jackman’s gift establishes the J.R. Kimber Chair in Investor Protection and Corporate Governance

Prof. Anita AnandBy Lucianna Ciccocioppo / Photo by Johnny Guatto

2016 Grafstein Lecture: "Lex Aetheria" or how to create laws in an Internet age

Saturday, January 23, 2016
graphic image for Grafstein lecture 2016

Speaker Justice Roger Hughes says historical merchant and marine laws can help answer 21st century legal questions

By Alvin Yau, 1L

Faculty of Law co-sponsors all-day workshop about TPP agreement for Minister Chrystia Freeland

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

By Terry Lavender

photo of Chrystia Freeland at lectern

“I felt I needed to be informed by the academic community’s
thinking on trade issues,” Chrystia Freeland said
(all photos by Arnold Lan)

Special Issue of JILIR dedicated to 2014 Baker Lecture - Anne Orford on Food Security and International Trade Law

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Journal of International Law and International Relations (JILIR) has published a special issue based on the 2014 Katherine Baker Memorial Lecture delivered by Anne Orford, Michael D Kirby Chair of International Law, Melbourne Law School. Prof. Orford spoke about "Food Security, the World Trade Organisation, and the Social State."

JD student Duncan Melville writes in Globe and Mail about Bombardier bailout and dual-class shares

Thursday, January 14, 2016

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail's Report on Business, JD student Duncan Melville argues that, if the federal government provides financial support to Bombardier, it should require the company to unwind its dual-class share structure ("If Ottawa opts to bail out Bombardier, it ought to impose one key condition," January 13, 2016).

Read the full commentary on the Globe and Mail website, or below.


If Ottawa opts to bail out Bombardier, it ought to impose one key condition

By Duncan Melville

Top 10 Faculty of Law news stories of 2015

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
graphic says top 10 news stories @UTLaw

You like to read stories about our students: who they are, where they’re from—and what they’re up to. From exemplary mooting results and engaging profiles, to alumni news in Nexus, here’s what made you click in 2015:

(Read the stories in full by clicking on the headlines)

Prof. Trudo Lemmens co-authors "Why we must move cautiously on doctor-assisted dying"

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Trudo Lemmens and Prof. Harvey Schipper of the Faculty of Medicine review the many complex issues that Parliament must consider when it comes to legislating about physician-assisted death ("Why we must move cautiously on doctor-assisted dying," January 11, 2016).

Read the full commentary on the Globe and Mail website, or below.

Why we must move cautiously on doctor-assisted dying

By Trudo Lemmens and Harvey Schipper

January 11, 2016