Friday, June 2, 2006

Law school faculty members Richard Simeon, Sujit Choudhry, Karen Knop and Ayelet Shachar are among the University of Toronto faculty participating in a major international project focused on understanding the causes of ethnic conflict and suggesting policy prescriptions that promote democracy and peace. The project, which includes universities and institutions both in Canada and abroad, has been awarded a $2.5 million SSHRCC grant as a major collaborative research initiative.

Students will be heavily involved in U of T's effort. The group is planning to welcome two graduate fellows, one master's student and an undergraduate summer intern each year. Students will participate in conferences and workshops and attend a summer school that is still in the planning stages. "We will create a new generation of scholars who will advance our thinking on these issues in the long run," said Prof. Simeon, who will co-ordinate the University of Toronto's involvement.

Read more at U of T News.