Friday, September 28, 2012

Faculty’s International Human Rights Program Matches Students with Mentors in the Field 

As part of its award-winning legal clinic, the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) has launched a new mentorship program that matches upper year and graduate students with leading human rights professionals. 

The IHRP mentorship program builds on the success of the Faculty’s alumni mentorship program and recognizes the tremendous value of mentoring relationships, especially in the competitive field of international human rights law.  

The IHRP is pleased to announce that the following outstanding lawyers and advocates have agreed to mentor this year’s clinic students:

· Katherine Cornett (JD’03), legal consultant, Defence Team, Special Tribunal for Lebanon (The Hague)

· Sandra Chu (LLM’02), senior policy analyst, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network

· Robert Petit, counsel, War Crimes Prosecutions Unit of the Department of Justice (Canada); formerly International Co-Prosecutor of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

· Sarah Stevensen, Global Advisor, Child Protection in Development, Plan International 

· Melissa Upreti, senior regional manager and legal adviser for Asia, Centre for Reproductive Rights (New York)

· Sarah Wells (JD’01), investigator, College of Nurses of Ontario, formerly Rwanda Researcher with Human Rights Watch 

Thank you to all the mentors for their time and commitment and to the students for their enthusiastic response to this program!