Thursday, July 14, 2011

The IHRP is pleased to announce its new strategic direction, which is reflected in its Strategic Plan 2011. This document is the culmination of a year-long process that has allowed us to reflect on our past, and situate our mission within the broader goals of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and our civil society partners. This plan signals a move towards targeted engagement that is collaborative, and draws upon our unique strengths and as a program housed within the University of Toronto Faculty of Law.

We have articulated our mission as enhancing the legal protection of existing and emerging international human rights obligations through advocacy, knowledge-exchange, and capacity-building initiatives that provide experiential learning opportunities for students and legal expertise to civil society. While the majority of our programming will remain flexible and responsive to unfolding events, we will also be marshalling and proactively developing our expertise in the area of corporate accountability for human rights.

Read the full text of the IHRP's Strategic Plan 2011 here.
Read a one-page Executive Summary here.