Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A story in the Canadian Press about law schools seeking diversity in their student body highlights the Faculty of Law's new free LSAT prep course for low-income students ("Law School Diversity: Canadian Universities Want Range Of Students," Aug. 21, 2012).

The story features quotes from two students who are currently taking the course, and also from Assistant Dean, Students, Alexis Archbold.

Janine Manning, one of the students, is quoted in the story, saying of getting a law degree, "I could take (it) back to my community to let people know... that life isn't always going to be so hard. To me, getting a law degree as an aboriginal woman... I could be a role model."

Says Archbold, "Legal education is a privilege. It leads to a career that we know leads to leadership opportunities. If you look at politicians, leaders of business — so many of them have law degrees. It's important that everyone has access to that opportunity. If they want to go into law and assume a leadership role in their society, there should not be obstacles to some people accessing that."

Read the story on the Huffington Post website.