Front L-R: Lisa Del Col, Amanda Carling and Mireille Giroux; Back L-R: Cliff Anderson, Paul Thistle, David Bach and Justin Basinger
On Sunday, April 1, 2012 a team of Faculty of Law students and staff teamed up and showcased their bowling skills as participants in the Toronto Law Firm Bowling Challenge at Playtime Bowl in the city’s north end.
Hosted by the Toronto Lawyers Association and Teplitsky Colson LLP, the annual Bowling Challenge raises funds for the Lawyers Feed the Hungry Program, which has provided hot, healthy community meals to Toronto residents in need since 1998.
This important year-round meal program is made possible thanks to generous donations received by The Law Society Foundation, which runs the program, and committed volunteers.
The Faculty’s bowlers included students Cliff Anderson, Paul Thistle, Amanda Carling, David Bach and Justin Basinger, and staff member Lisa Del Col. Also accompanying the team as alternate bowler and team photographer was student Mireille Giroux.
While their collective skills in bowling left a little to be desired, their fundraising efforts were quite strong. The team set a fundraising goal of $1200.00, which was exceeded thanks to the generous donations of faculty, staff, students, and family for a total amount of $1335.00.
The event as a whole, which is in its fourth year and had more than 30 participating teams, raised close to $140,000.00 for the program.
It was a great fun event, with some friendly competition between teams and prizes anded out for fundraising efforts, bowling ability and random draws.
There’s still opportunity for students, staff and faculty to be involved with Lawyers Feed the Hungry on a year-round basis. Information on volunteer opportunities can be found here: http://www.lawyersfeedthehungry.ca/toronto/volunteers/volunteers.html.