Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Breaking Through book authors Carrie Mandel and Kirby Chown signing copies

Breaking Through authors: Carrie Mandel and alumna Kirby Chown.

By Kathleen Elhatton-Lake, 2L

Breaking Through: Tales from the Top Canadian Women General Counsel provides fascinating insights into the paths of female general counsel in Canada. The book, authored by alumna Kirby Chown together with Carrie Mandel, interviews 32 women about their experiences and careers as general counsel, and considers career development and leadership roles. More than half of the women profiled were the first general counsel at their company.

The authors were available November 26 at the law school for a book signing and panel discussion that brought together alumni in private practice, government, in-house and business. Sharon Pel, general counsel at the TMX group, and Sheila Murray, general counsel at CI Financial (the second largest independent mutual fund company in the country), discussed their experiences transitioning from senior partner at prestigious law firms to general counsel.


Breating Through book launch and panel discussion group shot

For both Sharon and Sheila their desire for continuity with a business transaction was a major factor in their decision to go in house. They found there was a great need for legal advice in each company: people lined up outside their doors when they first started. They spoke about how they worked to build their respective legal departments. Sheila emphasized the role of general counsel in managing a firm’s legal budget, and ensuring the firm’s work is done cost-effectively, whether in-house or by outside counsel. She also emphasized the difference between giving a legal opinion as outside counsel, versus being on a board giving recommendations and making decisions for the company.

When asked what tips they would give for young lawyers, Sharon advised that young lawyers should invest in themselves by rounding out their knowledge of business, HR and leadership. Sheila recommended staying open to career opportunities and learning about new practice areas.

The Centre for the Legal Profession’s Academic Director Anita Anand provided the opening and closing remarks, emphasizing the advancement of women in the legal profession is one of the Centre’s ongoing focus areas.

Click here to purchase the book on Amazon, or for further information on "Breaking Through."