Monday, March 26, 2018
Students fill up the Moot Court Room as part of See Yourself Here

More than 200 high school students from the Greater Toronto Area, including the City of Toronto and York and Peel Regions,  attended the Faculty of Law’s 2018 See Yourself Here event, March 9th, to promote post-secondary education in law and legal careers, and help demystify the law school application process. Students came from approximately 20 different high schools. Originally started 10 years ago by members of the Black Law Students Association, the annual event invites high school students from cultures traditionally under-represented in law.

See Yourself Here event registation with students signing in


Sponsored by BLG, Blakes, LSAC and TD Bank, more than 35 law students and six alumni volunteers participated at the Faculty of Law to make the day a success.

Programing included a day in the life of a law student, attending an entertaining lecture given by Prof. Anthony Niblett, participating in a mock trial, mingling and networking with current law students, and a lunch. Interactive sessions also included an admissions “Jeopardy,” and student/alumni panels to hear first-hand valuable information about how to get into law school and the varied career paths of lawyers.

Admissions team at the registration desk

Feedback for the 2018 See Yourself Here was overwhelmingly positive. Said one student in the end of day survey: “I loved the mock trial; it was very fun and interactive. It taught me a lot about how court cases look in a short period of time.”