Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Advocates' Society Medal 2021

The Advocates' Society Medal is intended to honour those members of The Advocates' Society ("TAS"), who: have clearly demonstrated their pre-eminence as counsel and are unequivocally acknowledged as leaders of the bar; have been dedicated and active members of TAS; and have made a significant contribution to the profession of law and to the well-being of the community at large.

The Advocates' Society Medal is the highest expression of esteem which the Society can convey to one of its members.

Faculty of Law alumna Linda R. Rothstein (LLB 1980), LSM, Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP, has been named the recipient of The 2021 Advocates' Society Medal.

The award will be presented at a stand-alone Medal Dinner (TBD).

The Advocates' Society website