U of T accepts all 56 recommendations of Anti-Black Racism Task Force

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The University of Toronto’s Anti-Black Racism Task Force has delivered its final report, which includes more than 50 action-oriented measures and solutions to tackle anti-Black racism and promote Black inclusion and excellence on the university’s three campuses.

The university administration has accepted all 56 recommendations.

Op-Ed by Anna Zhang, 2L: Anti-Asian racism is real in Canada, and I will no longer hide

Thursday, April 8, 2021

In an op-ed for the Toronto Star (Apr. 5), second-year JD student Anna Zhang share her experience of racism and seeking acceptance while growing up in Canada. She writes: 

Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella (LLB 1970) appointed Pisar Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella (LLB 1970), a champion of human rights and social justice, was presented with the University of Toronto's Rose Wolfe Distinguished Alumni Award

Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella on stage at the Jackman Law Building's moot courtroom that bears her name (photo by Nick Iwanyshyn / University of Toronto, October 2019)

U of T Law alumna Lobat Sadrehashemi (JD/MSW 2005) appointed Justice of the Federal Court

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, announced Apr. 6 a new judicial appointment to the Federal Court.

Faculty of Law alumna Lobat Sadrehashemi (JD/MSW 2005), Senior Counsel and Clinic Lead at the Immigration and Refugee Legal Clinic in Vancouver, is appointed a Judge of the Federal Court. Madam Justice Sadrehashemi replaces Mr. Justice K.M. Boswell, who retired effective January 29, 2021.

The Arctic Institute podcast with JD/MGA student Emily Tsui

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Faculty of Law student Emily Tsui (JD/MGA 2021) is currently a Visiting Fellow at The Arctic Institute, a non-profit organization with a network of researchers across the world. The Institute's research and capacity building projects help make the Arctic a more secure, just and sustainable place.

How kindness, compassion and even awe can boost your mental health: U of T News

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Anyone who has comforted a friend in a time of need or volunteered for a worthy cause knows the experience can leave you feeling good about yourself.

Jennifer Stellar, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga, specializes in studying “prosocial” emotions such as compassion, gratitude and awe, and her research suggests these feelings do in fact contribute to one’s own well-being.