Another school year wraps up: Dean Ed Iacobucci writes

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Dear Alumni, Faculty, Students, Staff and Friends,

Dean Ed IacobucciIt’s that time of year again: I am writing to share the highlights of life at your law school. We’ve had another productive and successful academic year, customarily busy with much research, teaching and learning—this is by no means a comprehensive review!

Prof. Anita Anand writes "The time is ripe for a review of securities law" in the Globe and Mail

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

In a commentary in the Globe and Mail, Prof. Anita Anand points out that what is supposed to be a regular 5-year review of securities legislation by an advisory commission, required in the Ontario’s Securities Act, is long overdue ("The time is ripe for a review of securities law," June 25, 2019).

Read the full commentary on the Globe and Mail website, or below.

Honorary degree recipient Justice Michael Moldaver urges grads to 'go forward with confidence'

Friday, June 7, 2019

Justice Michael Moldaver

(photo courtesy of Michael Moldaver)

By Rahul Kalvapalle

Each year, the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law recognizes outstanding academic achievement by law students – and it’s no coincidence two of those awards are named after Justice Michael Moldaver.

Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh writes "The 'double-dipping professor' in Doug Ford’s crosshairs is nothing but a myth"

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

In a commentary in the National Post, Prof. Jeffrey MacIntosh takes aim at the provincial government's plan to block university faculty members who are receiving a pension from being paid a salary ("The 'double-dipping professor' in Doug Ford’s crosshairs is nothing but a myth," June 4, 2019).

Read the full commentary on the National Post website, or below.

What does 'the rule of law' mean? Law and philosophy scholar Prof. David Dyzenhaus featured on CBC Radio's 'Sunday Edition'

Monday, June 3, 2019
Prof. David Dyzenhaus

What does 'the rule of law' really mean? Faculty of Law University Professor David Dyzenhaus was featured in a 30-minute interview with Michael Enright on CBC Radio's "The Sunday Edition" on June 2, 2019. In the conversation, Dyzenhaus defines the rule of law and discusses the Huawei case in Canada, and President Trumps rule in the United States.

In law and medicine, twins and soon-to-be U of T graduates advocate for Indigenous representation

Friday, May 24, 2019

As U of T's Patrick and Curtis Sobchak learned more about their family history, being Indigenous increasingly became an integral part of their identity (photo by Geoff Vendeville)

By Geoffrey Vendeville

Patrick Sobchak was one of the few Indigenous students in his law classes. So was his identical twin brother Curtis, who studied medicine. 

Dean Edward Iacobucci reappointed for a second term

Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dean Ed Iacobucci

Dean Ed Iacobucci has been reappointed to a second term as dean of the Faculty of Law, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024. The agenda committee of the academic board of Governing Council approved the appointment and Vice President and Provost Cheryl Regehr made the announcement today.

Prof. Arthur Ripstein recognized with U of T's JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award

Thursday, May 23, 2019
Professor Arthur Ripstein

University Professor of law and philosophy Arthur Ripstein is a recipient of the 2019 JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award, in recognition of his outstanding performance as a doctoral supervisor over 30 years. Two awards are offered at U of T annually, one in the humanities and social sciences and the other in physical and life sciences.

2019 Dr. Scott Guan China Law Practice Award goes to law student James Flynn

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Law student James Flynn receives a gift of a Zhong Lun Law Firm golf shirt, ahead of his placement in Shanghai this summer, from alumnus and award donor, Scott Guan, SJD 2003.

Law student James Flynn receives a gift of a Zhong Lun Law Firm golf shirt, ahead of his placement in Shanghai this summer, from alumnus and award donor, Scott Guan, SJD 2003.


Prof. Arthur Ripstein delivers Tanner Lecture at UC Berkeley on "Rules for Wrongdoers"

Monday, May 6, 2019

In early April 2019, Prof. Arthur Ripstein delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at UC Berkeley. Prof. Ripstein delivered two lectures, "Rules for Wrongdoers" and "Combatants and Civilians," followed by a seminar and discussion with three of the world's leading thinkers on these issues (Christopher Kutz, Berkeley; Oona A. Hathaway, Yale; and Jeff McMahan, Oxford).