The Asper Centre's Cheryl Milne writes "One small step toward justice for Omar Khadr"

Thursday, July 10, 2014

In a commentary in The Globe and Mail, Cheryl Milne, executive director of the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, analyzes the Alberta Court of Appeal decision that Omar Khadr should serve his sentence as a young offender rather than an adult ("One small step toward justice for Omar Khadr," July 9, 2014).

Read the commentary on The Globe and Mail website, or below.

Study: UofT Law graduate program is the leading source of law profs in Canada

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Research on the education of Canada's law professors reveals that the University of Toronto's graduate school is the leading institution from which Canadian law professors earned their highest graduate degree.

Faculty of Law community celebrates and supports World Pride

Thursday, July 3, 2014

More than 25 students, staff, and faculty from U of T Law marched in the 2014 World Pride Parade in support of the LGBTQ communities. Incoming 1L students, current students, recent alumni joined together with Alexis Archbold, the assistant dean of students and Interim Dean Jutta Brunnée. Sporting hot pink t-shirts adorned with the rainbow flag and “U of T Law Celebrates Pride,” and some fun and cheeky signs (“I love litiGAYtion”), they joined other members of the University of Toronto Community in celebration.  

 Related stories:

Prof. Audrey Macklin - "Case of Mohamed Fahmy shows failing of new citizenship rules"

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

In a commentary in the Toronto Star, Prof. Audrey Macklin and Lorne Waldman, President of the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, show how the new citizenship law recently passed by the Canadian government could be used against jailed journalist Mohamed Fahmy and other Canadians jailed in foreign countries without adequate judicial process ("Case of Mohamed Fahmy shows failing of new citizenship rules," June 29, 2014).

Incoming: Top U of T student Shan Arora picks Faculty of Law

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Graduate Shan Arora shows his Governor General Silver Medal

By Elaine Smith

Shan Arora graduated from the University of Toronto Scarborough with a 4.0 average and two notable awards—and he’s attending the Faculty of Law.

The honours bachelor of science graduate, with a double major in economics and mental health studies and a minor in French, is the recipient of the John Black Aird Scholarship for the top student at all three U of T campuses, as well as a Governor General’s Silver Medal for his undergraduate academic career.

Justice George Strathy, LLB 1974, appointed Ontario Chief Justice

Monday, June 16, 2014

Portrait of Justice StrathyAlumnus and Court of Appeal for Ontario Justice George R. Strathy, LLB 1974, has been appointed Chief Justice of Ontario’s Court of Appeal, effective immediately.

Q & A with Mary Eberts, Asper Centre's Constitutional-Litigator-in-Residence

Saturday, June 14, 2014

By Alexandra Wong, 2L

What brings you to the position of Constitutional-Litigator-in-Residence at the Asper Centre?

Mary Eberts is Asper Centre's new Constitutional-Litigator-in-Residence

Friday, June 13, 2014
Mary Eberts

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo / Photo by Alexandra Wong, 2L

The Asper Centre has a new Constitutional-Litigator-in-Residence for the fall 2014: Mary Eberts.

Eberts, a Toronto-based constitutional lawyer and a former faculty member of this law school, will be teaching constitutional advocacy, drawing upon her extensive experience from her public law litigation practice, and from advocating for the Charter rights of her clients. She will also provide mentoring support to clinic students on their case files.