Federal Electoral Reform - Ontario Wants In!

“The West wants in” was often repeated by Prime Minister Stephen Harper during his years in opposition.  A principal Western Canadian grievance has been the under- representation of Western Canada in the federal House of Commons.  Alberta and British Columbia continue to attract immigrants and migrants from the rest of Canada and to grow in size relative to the rest of the country.  But, the argument goes, the number of Members of Parliament they send to Ottawa has not kept pace with new demographic realities.

However, the situation is far more complex that that.  The Conservative Party platform promises to address the under- representation of not only Alberta and British Columbia, but also Ontario, with good reason.   Actually, it is Ontario that is vastly under-represented in the House of Commons. 

Let’s look at some numbers.  The current House of Commons has 308 members.  Strictly on the basis of representation by population, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario should have 31, 40 and 117 MPs respectively.  However, the actual figures are 28, 36 and 106.  In other words, these provinces are 18 MPs short.

Goliath Wins Again

The David and Goliath story continues; Goliath is still winning.

Little Sister's Bookstore's protracted struggle with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) — formerly called Canada Customs — just keeps hitting the wall, thanks in large part to the Supreme Court Of Canada.

In its latest decision the Supreme Court last month refused to award Little Sister's with advance costs to fund its ongoing lawsuit over repeated seizures of its books by border cops.

It's not like the Supreme Court hasn't acknowledged that CBSA discriminates against Little Sister's. The seizures go back 20 years. In 2000 the Supreme Court told the agency in no uncertain terms to stop violating Little Sister's Charter rights by targeting lesbian and gay material. But the court upheld the border cops' censorship regime.

In 2002 Little Sister's filed an appeal against the seizure of two collections of gay adult comics, some with SM themes. Border cops then seized a few more titles, this time gay erotic fiction collections. Preparing once again to go into battle against an opponent with very deep pockets (funded by us taxpayers), Little Sister's lawyer Joe Arvay asked the judge to make a rarely used order for advance costs, to help Little Sister's pay for its formidable legal bills.

Minority Vote Dilution in Canada

Although all adult citizens have the right to vote under section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the worth of one’s vote depends upon where one lives. Representation from Canada’s three fastest growing provinces — Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario — is increasingly out of step with demographic realities. The average ballot cast in these provinces is worth less than one cast in any other province. Moreover, within provinces, rural ridings are overrepresented in relation to urban constituencies.

Adam Sandler and the Politics of Same Sex Marriage

Adam Sandler’s new film I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry is causing quite a stir.   In the film, Chuck (Adam Sandler) and Larry (Kevin James) are New York fire fighters (it doesn’t get any more heroic) who enter into a sham gay marriage.  Although the film might not to be everyone's taste (typical Sandler slapstick comedy with lots of homophobic jokes thrown in for good measure), it may tell us alot about the politics of same sex marriage in America.

In the film, Chuck and Larry are both very, very straight, but Larry needs to get married to secure some employment benefits for his children.  They try a domestic partnership first, but it turns out to not be enough.  So, they come to Canada, get hitched, and go back home as a ‘married’ couple.The rest of the story plays out in the typical slap stick comedy form:  a specialist (Steve Buscemi) investigates the couple to see if they are “really” gay, Chuck falls for the lawyer (Jessica Biel) but can’t do anything about it because he is supposed to be gay, the guys at the firehouse shun the gay boys, blah, blah, blah.   Eventually, it all turns out well, with the guys at the firehouse seeing the error of their ways and support Chuck and Larry.  The real gay folks get married, and the real straight folks end up with straight folks, and everyone is supposed to feel good.

Conference: Social Science Evidence in Charter Litigation

The David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights Presents

Social Science Evidence in Charter Litigation:
Developments in 30 Years of Fact Finding

November 9, 2012
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Flavelle House (78 Queen's Park),
Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Does the World Need More Canada?

I've posted a new paper on SSRN, "Does the World Need More Canada?  The Politics of the Canadian Model in Constitutional Politics and Political Theory".  The paper is forthcoming in the International Journal of Constitutional Law in October.  Here is the abstract:

In the past two decades, numerous political theorists have taken up the question of how constitutional design should respond to the fact of minority nationalism. Just as important as that question is the way in which these theorists have responded to it. Some, rather than deriving constitutional strategies and models from abstract principles of political morality, have turned to real-life models to buttress their proposed solutions. It is precisely in this context that Canada has attained considerable prominence.

Michael Ignatieff, the Charter and the Quebec Nation Debate

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the  Charter, I offer some skeptical thoughts on the success of the Charter as an instrument of nation-building, in Bills of Rights as Instruments of Nation-Building in Multinational States: The Canadian Charter and Quebec Nationalism, posted on SSRN.  Here is the abstract (after the break):

Il Sait Porter l’étoile de David? Religious Schooling and the Constitution

Robert Fulford writes a complex piece in this morning’s newspaper ["Modernism isn't written in stone", National Post, Saturday, August 25, 2007, p. A23], with which I both agree and disagree. Fulford, in his usual concise way, does three things at once. First, he posits the separation of religion and government as essential to the development of modern democracies, citing the contest between Islamists and secular nationalists as central to determining the political course of Middle Eastern societies. Next, he states that although state-imposed religion is always pre-modern, contemporary democracies can and do differ on their particular approach to the subject and that not all adhere to the model of strict separation. Finally, he states that Ontario’s public support for a Roman Catholic separate school system is in the tradition of democracies giving a small nod to religious heritage without undermining their essential liberal structure.

Ontario 2007 Election

Thursday, October 11, 2007

By visiting scholar Adam Dodek.

One way to analyze the Ontario election results is in terms of a decisive rejection of constitutional change by Ontarians.

Ontarians generally want their premiers and their governments to focus on the business of governing rather than on constitutional change.  Premier David Peterson was punished at the polls in 1990 in part for focussing on Meech Lake and Canadian unity and Premier Bob Rae often seemed more interested in constitutional issues like Charlottetown than the more mundane issues that capture the Tim Horton's crowd.  Somehow John Tory fell into a similar trap by daring even to raise the issue of funding for faith-based schools.  After the Supreme Court of Canada's 1996 Adler decision, the issue of funding for non-Catholic faith-based schools was transferred from the judicial to the political realm.  Most politicians knew well enough that religion and politics make for an incediary mix (see Bill Davis' extension of funding for Catholic schools in 1984 and Premier McGuinty's experience with Sharia law from 2004 and 2005) and were content to let the issue lie dormant.  Ultimately, Tory was unable to foresee let alone control the firestorm that he had sparked and he was punished at the polls as a result.

Canada's New Terrorism Bills: Slow Down and Debate

Canadian Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day tabled new legislation in the House of Commons last Monday to allow British-style special advocates to play a role in security certificate cases that are used to detain and deport non-citizens suspected of involvement in terrorism. The bill responds to the Supreme Court of Canada's decision earlier this year that the existing legislation was unconstitutional.

On Tuesday the government tabled another bill in the Senate to revive investigative hearings and preventive arrests. These Criminal Code powers were introduced after 9/11 but expired in March, 2007 after the government failed to convince Parliament to renew them for three years. The government now proposes to include the powers in the Criminal Code, subject to a some changes and a 5 year renewable sunset.

The official opposition - the Liberal Party - has indicated some preliminary support for both bills and they appear likely to pass. There is a need to slow down and carefully consider both bills, as well as important work already done by Parliamentary committees on anti-terrorism law.
