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Constitutionalism 2050
(Cambridge University Press, forthcoming in 2026)
Olympic Citizenship: The Interface of Nationality, Sports, and Transnational Law
(Co-authored with Ayelet Shachar; Oxford University Press, forthcoming in 2025)
Deciphering the Genome of Constitutionalism: The Foundations and Future of Constitutional Identity
(Ran Hirschl and Yaniv Roznai, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2024)
City, State: Constitutionalism and the Megacity
(Oxford University Press, 2020)
Winner of the 2021 Stein Rokkan Prize in Comparative Social Science Research
Reviewed in: American Journal of Comparative Law; Folha de São Paulo (Portuguese); ICON International Journal of Constitutional Law; ICONnect; Il Piemonte delle Autonomie (Italian); Jotwell; Law and Politics Book Review; Law & Social Inquiry; Modern Law Review; Publius: The Journal of Federalism; Vital Interests
Comparative Matters: The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law
(Oxford University Press, 2014 & 2016)
Winner of the APSA 2015 C. Herman Pritchett Award for the best book on law & courts
Spanish edition: Ran Hirschl, Asuntos Comparativos: El Renacimiento del Derecho Constitucional Comparado (Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019), 390 pages.
Reviewed in: American Journal of Comparative Law (book colloquy); Boston University Law Review (symposium issue, forthcoming in July 2016); Cambridge Law Journal; Harvard Law Review; I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law; Journal of Politics; Law & Politics Book Review; Law & Society Review; Modern Law Review; Osgoode Hall Law Review; Perspectives on Politics; Yale International Law Journal
Constitutional Theocracy
(Harvard University Press, 2010)
Winner of the 2011 Dennis Leslie Mahoney Prize in Legal Theory
Reviewed in: Public Law; Law & Politics Book Review; Choice; Concurring Opinions; Daily Times (Pakistan); Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies; Journal of Religious History (review essay); Osgoode Hall Law Review; Perspectives on Politics; Politics and Religion; Review of Metaphysics; Rorotoko
Towards Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism
(Harvard University Press, 2004 & 2007)
Winner of the 2021 APSA Law & Courts Section Lasting Contribution Award
Reviewed in: Annual Review of Political Science (review essay); Choice, Comparative Political Studies; European Journal of International Law; Fordham Law Review (review essay); International Journal of Constitutional Law; Law & Politics Book Review; Law & Society Review (review essay); Maryland Law Review; McGill Law Journal; Modern Law Review; New York Times Sunday Magazine; NJB (review essay, Dutch); NYU Journal of International Law & Politics; Perspectives on Politics; Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (Portuguese, Brazil); Taiwan Democracy Quarterly (review essay, Mandarin Chinese); Texas Law Review (review essay).
Portuguese translation (2020)
Excerpt reprinted in Comparative Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Articles in Refereed Journals, Law Reviews & Books
“The Invention of Sporting Nationality: How Transnational Law Tamed the 'Last Bastion of Sovereignty'” (with Ayelet Shachar)
Berkeley Journal of International Law 43 (forthcoming in 2025)
“Comparative Constitutional Inquiry: The North American Angle”
Constitutional Studies 11 (forthcoming in 2025)
“Cities, Constitutions, and Democracy"
Research Handbook on Constitutions and Democracy
(Tom Daly and Anna Dziedsic, eds.; Edward Elgar, forthcoming in 2025)
“Comparative Constitutional Law: Reflections on a Field Transformed"
Redefining Comparative Constitutional Law: Essays for Mark Tushnet
(Vicki Jackson and Madhav Khosla, eds.; Oxford University Press, 2025), pp. 12-29
"A Fair Process Matters: The Relationship between Public Participation and Constitutional Legitimacy" (with Alex Hudson)
Law & Social Inquiry 49 (2024): 2074-2101
"Which Constitutional Provisions are Most Important?" (multiple co-authors)
European Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 1:1 (2024): 19-48
"The Quandaries and Parables of Constitutional Identity" (with Yaniv Roznai)
Deciphering the Genome of Constitutionalism: The Foundations and Future of Constitutional Identity
(Cambridge University Press, 2024), pp. 1-21
"Comparative Constitutional Design: Northern Stagnation, Southern Innovation"
Constitutional Forum 32:4 (2024): 39-50
"Three Takes on Comparative Constitutional History" (with Nicholas Slawnych)
Comparative Legal History 12 (2024): 80-100
“The Global Expansion of Judicial Power"
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behavior
(Lee Epstein et al. eds.; Oxford University Press, 2024): 65-88
“The City as an Anti-Canonical Concept in Constitutional Law"
Global Canons in an age of Contestation: Debating Foundational Texts in Constitutional Democracy and Human Rights (Sujit Choudhry, Michaela Hailbronner, and Mattias Kumm, eds.; Oxford University Press, 2024), pp. 495-514
“The 'Era of the City' as an Emerging Challenge to Constitutional Democracy”
Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2022): 455-473
“Constitutional Design and the Urban/Rural Divide”
Law & Ethics of Human Rights 16 (2022): 1-39
“Cities in Federal Systems: Comparative Perspectives"
Cities in Federal Constitutional Theory
(Erika Arban, ed.; Oxford University Press, 2022), pp. 77-97
“The Urban Gap"
Constitutional Crossroads: Reflections on Charter Rights, Reconciliation and Change
(Emmett Macfarlane & Kate Puddister, eds.; University of British Columbia Press, 2022), pp. 472-490
“Methodology and Research Design"
Constitutionalism in Context
(David Law, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2022), 41-58
Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism
(András Sajó, Stephen Holmes and Renáta Uitz, eds.; Routledge, 2021), 151-164
“Abusive Constitutional Borrowing as a Form of Politics by Other Means"
Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law 7 (2021): 6-14
“How Constitutional Rights Matter: Thoughts on the New Gold Standard in Empirical Constitutional Studies" (with Alex Hudson)
Chicago Law Review Online (2021)
“Constitutions and the Metropolis"
Annual Review of Law & Social Science 16 (2020): 59-77
“Cities in National Constitutions"
IMFG Papers on Municipal Finance & Governance 51 (2020)
“Urbanization, Megacities, Constitutional Silence"
European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2 (2020), pp. 305-322
“Spatial Statism" (with Ayelet Shachar)
International Journal of Constitutional Law 17 (2019): 387-438
“The Methodologies of Comparative Constitutionalism"
Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law
(Roger Masterman & Robert Schütze, eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 19-39
“Justiciable and Aspirational Economic and Social Rights" (with Evan Rosevear and Courtney Jung)
The Future of Economic and Social Rights
(Katharine Young, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2019), pp. 37-65
Antonia Baraggia, Ran Hirschl et al., “Introduction: Economic Inequality as a Global Constitutional Challenge”
Rivista di Diritti Comparati [Review of Comparative Law] (October 2019), 260 pp. symposium
“Interdisziplinarität als Beereicherung: An den Grenzen von Verfassungsrecht und vergleichender Politikwissenschaft" (with Jan Mertens) Verfassungsrecht im Widerstreit [Constitutional Law in Conflict]
(Alexander Thiele and Joachim Münch, eds.; Mohr Siebeck, 2019), pp. 105-124
“‘Religious Talk’ in Narratives of Membership" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Constitutional Democracy in Crisis?
(Mark Graber, Sanford Levinson, Mark Tushnet, eds.; Oxford University Press, 2018), pp. 515-531
“Judicial Review and the Politics of Comparative Citations: Theory, Evidence, Methodological Challenges"
Comparative Judicial Review
(Erin Delaney and Rosalind Dixon, eds.; Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. 403-422
“Opting Out of 'Global Constitutionalism'”
Law & Ethics of Human Rights 12 (2018): 1-36
“Verfassungsrecht und vergleichende Politikwissenschaft – an den Grenzen der Disziplinen”
ZfP Zeitschrift für Politik [Journal of Politics] 109 (2018): 15-31
“Competing Orders? The Challenge of Religion to Modern Constitutionalism" (with Ayelet Shachar)
University of Chicago Law Review 85 (2018): 425-455
"Going Global: Canada as Importer and Exporter of Constitutional Thought"
Canada in the World: Comparative Perspectives on the Canadian Constitution
(Richard Albert and David Cameron, eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 305-323
“The 'Comparative' in Comparative Constitutional Law: A Response to Dixon and Tushnet"
American Journal of Comparative Law 63 (2016): 209-217
“Comparative Matters: A Response to Interlocutors"
Boston University Law Review 96 (2016): 1393-1424
“Secession and Nullification as a Global Trend"
Constitutional Studies 1:2 (2016): 23-40
“Early Engagements with the Constitutive Law of Others: Possible Lessons from Pre-Modern Religious Law”
Law & Ethics of Human Rights 10 (2016): 71-108
“Politics and the Constitution: The Ties that Bind"
Review of Constitutional Studies 21 (2016): 3-11
“Constitutional Renewal: Comparative Lessons for Canada"
Queen's Law Journal 41 (2016): 1-10
“Secession and Nullification: Three Comparative Notes”
Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought
(Sanford Levinson, ed.; University Press of Kansas, 2016), pp. 249-273
“Remembrance of Things Past"
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 13 (2015): 1-8
"Economic and Social Rights in National Constitutions" (with Courtney Jung and Evan Rosevear)
American Journal of Comparative Law 62 (2015): 1043-1094
Reprinted in Comparative Constitutional Law
(Mark Tushnet ed., Edward Elgar International Library of Comparative Law, 2017)
"The Strategic Foundations of Constitutions"
The Social and Political Foundations of Constitutions
(Denis Galligan and Mila Versteeg, eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 157-181
Reprinted and translated to Simplified-Chinese (CUP & Yilin Press, 2015)
"On Citizenship, States and Markets" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (2014): 231-257
Reprinted in Political Theory Without Borders
(Robert E. Goodin and James S. Fishkin, eds., John Wiley & Sons, 2015)
"Les cours constitutionnelles, agents de la domestication étatique du religieux : les enseignements d’Israel et de la Malaisie"
Revue Francaise de Science Politique 64 (2014): 735-757
“Dysfunctional? Dissonant? Démodé? America’s Constitutional Woes in Comparative Perspective”
Boston University Law Review 94 (2014): 239-266
"In Search of an Identity: Voluntary Foreign Citations in Discordant Constitutional Settings" American Journal of Comparative Law 62 (2014): 547-584
Translated to Spanish and published in Cambio Constitucional Informal
(Carlos Bernal-Pulido and Richard Albert, eds., Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2016)
"The Constitutional Boundaries of Religious Accommodation" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival
(Michel Rosenfeld and Susanna Mancini, eds.; Oxford University Press, 2014), pp. 175-191
"The Origins of the 'New Constitutionalism': Lessons from the 'Old Constitutionalism'"
The New Constitutionalism and the Future of Global Governance
(Stephen Gill and Claire Cutler, eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 95-107
"Constitutionalism and Religious Difference in Israel (and a Brief Passage to Malaysia)"
Constitutionalism and Social Difference in a Pan-Asian Perspective
(Susan Williams, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2014), pp. 230-257
"Constitutional Law and Religion: Asian Perspectives"
Comparative Constitutional Law in Asia
(Rosalind Dixon ed.; Edward Elgar, 2014), pp. 318-339
“From Comparative Constitutional Law to Comparative Constitutional Studies”
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 11 (2013): 1-12
Reprinted in Comparative Constitutional Law
(Mark Tushnet ed., Edward Elgar International Library of Comparative Law, 2017)
Translated to Turkish and republished in Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi
(Journal of Constitutional Law, Turkish Association of Research on Constitutional Law, 2017)
"Constitutional Courts as Bulwarks of Secularism"
Consequential Courts: Judicial Roles in Global Perspective
(Robert Kagan et al., eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 311-334
"Recruiting 'Super Talent': The New World of Selective Migration Regimes" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 20 (2013): 71-107
"Courts and Democracy Between Ideals and Realities"
Representation 49 (2013): 361-373
"The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Federalism and the Theocratic Challenge"
The Global Promise of Federalism
(Keith Banting et al. eds.; University of Toronto Press, 2013), pp. 139-164.
"Entailed Citizenship" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Inherited Wealth, Justice and Equality
(John Cunliffe and Guido Erreygers, eds.; Routledge, 2012), pp. 81-97
"The Fuzzy Boundaries of (Un)Constitutionality: Two Tales of Political Jurisprudence"
University of Queensland Law Journal 31 (2012): 319-327
"The Political Economy of Constitutionalism in a Non-Secularist World"
Comparative Constitutional Design
(Tom Ginsburg, ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp. 164-192
"The Nordic Counter-Narrative: Democracy, Human Development and Judicial Review"
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 9 (2011): 449-469
"Constitutional Law Meets Comparative Politics: Socio-Economic Rights and Political Realities" (with Evan Rosevear)
The Legal Protection of Human Rights: Sceptical Essays
(Tom Campbell et al., eds.; Oxford University Press, 2011), pp. 207-228
"Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion"
Comparative Constitutional Law
(Tom Ginsburg and Rosalind Dixon eds.; Edward Elgar, 2011), pp. 422-440
"Constitutionalism in a Theocratic World"
The Limits of Constitutional Democracy
(Stephen Macedo and Jeffrey Tulis eds.; Princeton University Press, 2010), pp. 256-279
"The Continued Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law"
Tulsa Law Review 45 (2010): 771-781
"Holy Glocalization: Constitutional Law and Sacred Texts in the Non-Secular World"
Harvard International Review 32 (Summer 2010): 38-43
"The Judicialization of Politics"
The Oxford Handbook of Political Science
(Robert E. Goodin, ed.; Oxford University Press, 2009), pp. 253-274
"The Socio-Political Origins of Israel's Juristocracy"
Constellations 16 (2009): 476-492
"The Realist Turn in Comparative Constitutional Politics"
Political Research Quarterly 62 (2009): 825-833
"The New Wall of Separation: Permitting Diversity, Restricting Competition" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Cardozo Law Review 30 (2009): 2535-2560
Reprinted in Comparative Constitutional Law
(Mark Tushnet ed., Edward Elgar International Library of Comparative Law, 2017)
"The 'Design Sciences' and Constitutional 'Success'"
Texas Law Review 87 (2009): 1339-1374
"Montesquieu and the Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law"
Montesquieu and His Legacy
(Rebecca Kingston ed.; SUNY Press, 2009), pp. 199-220
"Juristocracy vs. Theocracy?
Constitutional Courts and the Containment of 'Sacred Law'"
Middle East Law & Governance 1/2 (2009): 129-165
Reprinted in Religious Rights
(Lorenzo Zucca, ed., Ashgate International Library of Essays on Rights, 2015)
"Constitutional Courts and Social Welfare Rights:
The 'Weak Courts, Strong Rights' Argument Re-examined"
Ottawa Law Review 40 (2009): 173-183
"The Judicialization of Politics"
Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics
(Keith Whittington et al., eds.; Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 119-141
"The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts"
Annual Review of Political Science 11 (2008): 93-118
"Comparative Constitutional Law: Thoughts on Substance and Method"
Indian Journal of Constitutional Law 2 (2008): 11-37
"Comparative Constitutional Law"
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States
(Macmillan, 2008)
"The Rise of Constitutional Theocracy"
Harvard International Law Journal 49 (2008): 72-82
"The Theocratic Challenge to Constitution Drafting in Post-Conflict States"
William & Mary Law Review 49 (2008): 1179-1211
"Canada's Contribution to the Comparative Study of Rights and Judicial Review"
The Comparative Turn in Canadian Political Science
(Richard Simeon et al. eds.; UBC Press, 2008), pp. 77-98
"Citizenship as Inherited Property" (with Ayelet Shachar)
Political Theory 35 (2007): 253-287
Reprinted in Citizenship and Constitutional Law (Jo Shaw ed., Edward Elgar, 2016)
"The Constitution Act, 1982 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms"
Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World
(Oxford University Press, 2007)
"The New Constitutionalism and the Judicialization of Pure Politics Worldwide"
Fordham Law Review 75 (2006): 721-754
Translated to Portuguese and reprinted in:
Revista de Direito Administrativo 251 (2009): 139-177
"On the Blurred Methodological Matrix of Comparative Constitutional Law"
The Migration of Constitutional Ideas
(Sujit Choudhry ed.; Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 39-66
"Prologue: North American Constitutionalism?"
North American Constitutionalism Symposium (Christopher L. Eisgruber and Ran Hirschl, eds.)
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 4 (2006): 203-212
"The Question of Case Selection in Comparative Constitutional Law"
American Journal of Comparative Law 53 (2005): 125-155
Reprinted in Comparative Constitutional Law
(Mark Tushnet ed., Edward Elgar International Library of Comparative Law, 2017)
Reprinted in Comparative Law Methodology
(Maurice Adams et al., eds., Edward Elgar International Library of Comparative Law, 2017)
"Constitutionalism, Judicial Review, and Progressive Change"
Texas Law Review 84 (2005): 471-507
"Constitutional Transformation, Gender Equality, and Religious/National Conflict
in Israel: Tentative Progress through the Obstacle Course" (with Ayelet Shachar)
The Gender of Constitutional Jurisprudence
(Beverly Baines and Ruth Rubio-Marin eds.; Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 205-229
"Preserving Hegemony? Assessing the Political Origins of the EU Constitution"
I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law 3 (2005): 269-292
An extended version of the above article appeared in:
Altneuland: The EU Constitution in a Comparative Perspective
Joseph H.H. Weiler and Christopher L. Eisgruber eds.; Jean Monnet Working Paper 5/04
"Constitutional Courts vs. Religious Fundamentalism: Three Middle Eastern Tales"
Texas Law Review 82 (2004): 1819-1860
Reprinted in Law & Politics: Key Concepts in Political Science
(Keith Whittington, ed.; Routledge, 2013).
"Constitutional Rights Jurisprudence in Canada and the United States:
Substantive Convergence or Enduring Divergence?"
Constitutional Politics in Canada and the United States
(Stephen Newman ed.; SUNY Press, 2004), pp. 63-88
"'Juristocracy' - Political, not Juridical"
The Good Society 14 (2004): 6-11
"The Political Origins of the New Constitutionalism"
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 11 (2004): 71-108
"Repositioning the Judicialization of Politics: Bush v. Gore as a Global Trend"
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 15 (2002): 191-218
"Beyond the American Experience: The Global Expansion of Judicial Review"
Marbury v. Madison: Documents and Commentary
(Mark Graber ed.; Congressional Quarterly Press, 2002), pp. 129-153
"The Political Origins of Judicial Empowerment through Constitutionalization:
Lessons from Israel's Constitutional Revolution"
Comparative Politics 32 (2001): 315-336
"Civil Society v. The State of Israel: Two Conceptions of Civil Society
and the Israeli Supreme Court's Constitutional Jurisprudence"
Israel: From Mobilized to Civil Society?
(Yoav Peled and Adi Ophir eds.; Van Leer Institute, 2001), pp. 305-336
"Negative Rights vs. Positive Entitlements: A Comparative Study of Judicial
Interpretations of Rights in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order"
Human Rights Quarterly 22 (2000): 1060-1098
"The Political Origins of Judicial Empowerment through the
Constitutionalization of Rights: Lessons from Four Polities"
Law & Social Inquiry 25 (2000): 91-149
Excerpt reprinted in: The Democracy Sourcebook
(Robert Dahl and Ian Shapiro eds.; MIT Press, 2004), pp. 232-245
"The Great Economic-Juridical Shift: The Legal Arena and the Transformation of Israel's Economic Order"
The New Israel: Peacemaking & Liberalization
(Gershon Shafir ed.; Westview Press, 2000), pp. 189-215
"Looking Sideways, Looking Backwards, Looking Forwards:
Judicial Review vs. Democracy in Comparative Perspective"
University of Richmond Law Review 34 (2000): 415-441
"The Struggle for Hegemony: Explaining the Expansion of Judicial Power
through the Constitutionalization of Rights in Culturally-Divided Polities"
Stanford Journal of International Law 36 (2000): 73-118
"The 'Constitutional Revolution' and the Emergence of a New Economic Order in Israel"
Israel Studies 2 (1998): 136-155
"The Judicial Interpretation of Entrenched Civil Liberties
in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order"
American Journal of Comparative Law 46 (1998): 427-452
Reprinted in Comparative Constitutional Law
(Mark Tushnet ed., Edward Elgar International Library of Comparative Law, 2017)
Book Reviews
Review of Allan C. Hutchinson, Democracy and Constitutions: Putting Citizens First
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadienne De Science Politique 55 (2022): 991-993
Review of Mark S. Harding, Judicializing Everything? The Clash of Constitutionalisms in Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 60 (2022): 412-414
How Constitutional Rights Matter: Thoughts on the New Gold Standard in Empirical Constitutional Studies
University of Chicago Law Review Online (2021)
Review Essay: How Consequential is the Commonwealth Model of Constitutionalism?
Stephen Gardbaum, The New Commonwealth Model of Constitutionalism (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
International Journal of Constitutional Law 11 (2013): 1186-1193
Review of: Silvio Ferrari and Rinaldo Cristofori, Law and Religion in the 21st Century (Ashgate, 2010)
Journal of Church and State 54 (2012)
Review of: Ian Greene, The Courts (UBC Press, 2006)
Canadian Journal of Political Science 40 (2007)
Review of: Michael Keren, Zichroni vs. State of Israel: The Biography of a Civil Rights Lawyer (Lexington Books, 2002)
American Journal of Legal History 46 (2004)
Review of: Tom Ginsburg, Judicial Review in New Democracies (Cambridge University Press, 2003)
Law & Politics Book Review 13 (2003)
Other Writings
I-CONnect Blog (I-CON International Journal of Constitutional Law)
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