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Michael Trebilcock, Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law (Edward Elgar, February 2015)
Michael Trebilcock and Mariana Prado, Advanced Introduction to Law and Development (Edward Elgar, 2014).
Michael Trebilcock, Dealing with Losers:The Political Economy of Policy Transitions (Oxford University Press, 2014). Winner of the Donner Prize, 2014.
Tracey Epps and Michael Trebilcock (eds.), Research Handbook of the WTO and Technical Barriers to Trade (Edward Elgar, 2014).
Michael Trebilcock (co-edited with Eleanor Fox, NYU Law School). The Design of Competition Law Institutions: Global Norms, Local Choices. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Michael Trebilcock, Robert Howse and Antonia Eliason, The Regulation of International Trade, 4th edition, Routledge, 2012.
Michael Trebilcock, co-edited with Tony Duggan and Lorne Sossin, Middle Income Access to Justice, University of Toronto Press, 2012.
Michael Trebilcock and Mariana Prado, What Makes Poor Countries Poor? Institutional Determinants of Development (Edward Elgar, January 2012).
Michael Trebilcock, Understanding Trade Law (Edward Elgar, Fall 2011).
Ninette Kelly and Michael Trebilcock, The Making of the Mosaic: A History of Canadian Immigration Policy (2nd edition, University of Toronto Press, 2010).
Albert Breton and Michael Trebilcock (eds.), Bijuralism: An Economic Approach (Ashgate, 2006).
Michael Trebilcock (with Robert Howse), The Regulation of International Trade (Routledge, 2005), 3rd edition.
Michael Trebilcock (with Ron Daniels), Rethinking the Welfare State: The Prospects for Government by Voucher (London: Routledge, 2005).
Michael Trebilcock and John Kirton (eds.), Hard Choices, Soft Law: Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social Governance (Ashgate, 2004).
Michael Trebilcock, Ralph Winter, Paul Collins, and Edward Iacobucci, The Law and Economics of Canadian Competition Policy (University of Toronto Press, 2002).
Michael Trebilcock, Edward Iacobucci, and Huma Haider, Economic Shocks: Defining a Role for Government, published by the C.D. Howe Institute, 2001.
Michael Trebilcock (with Ninette Kelley), The Making of the Mosaic: A History of Canadian Immigration Policy (University of Toronto Press, 1999).
Getting There: The Agreement on Internal Trade (edited with Daniel Schwannen) (C.D. Howe Institute, 1995).
The Regulation of International Trade (with Howse) (Routledge, 1995).
Don Dewees, David Duff and Michael Trebilcock, Exploring the Domain of Accident Law: Taking the Facts Seriously (Oxford University Press, 1996).
Unfinished Business: Reforming Trade Remedy Laws in North America (With Boddez) (C.D. Howe, 1993).
The Limits of Freedom of Contract (Harvard University Press, 1993).
Fair Exchange: Reforming Trade Remedy Laws (C.D. Howe, 1990) (with York, eds.).
The Law and Economics of Competition Policy (Fraser Institute, 1990) (with Mathewson and Walker, eds.).
Trade and Transitions (with Chandler and Howse) (Routledge, 1990).
Regulating Traffic Safety (with Friedland and Roach) (University of Toronto Press, 1990).
Canadian Competition Policy: A Legal and Economic Analysis (with Dunlop and McQueen) (Canada Law Book Co., 1987).
The Common Law of Restraint of Trade: A Legal and Economic Analysis (Carswell, Toronto, 1986).
* Winner of Walter Owen Prize
The Political Economy of Economic Adjustment: The Case of Declining Sectors, (Macdonald Royal Commission, Research Monograph, 1986).
The Political Economy of Business Bailouts with Chandler, Quinn, Halpern and Gunderson, (Ontario Economic Council, 1986).
Federalism and the Canadian Economic Union edited with Prichard, Whalley and Courchene, (University of Toronto Press, 1983).
Lawyers and the Consumer Interest, Evans and Trebilcock (eds.) (Butterworths, 1982).
Debtor and Creditor Casebook, (University of Toronto Press, 1982) with Reiter, Laskin, Springman and Gertner.
Professional Regulation (Ontario Govt. Printer, 1979) with Tuohy and Wolfson.
Handbook on Consumer Rights in Canada (C.B.C., 1978; revised edition forthcoming).
The Professions and Public Policy (University of Toronto Press, 1978) (edited with Slayton).
A Casebook on Company Law, (Sweet and Maxwell, U.K. 1977) with H.R. Hahlo.
Chapters in Books
“Institutional Design and the New Systemic Risk” (with Anita Anand and Michael Rosenstock), in Anita Anand (ed.), Systemic Risk, Institutional Design, and the Regulation of Financial Markets (Oxford University Press, 2017).
“A Tamer Tort Law” (with Paul-Erik Veel) in Frank Buckley (ed.), The American Illness (Yale University Press, 2013).
“The Experience with No-Fault Accident Compensation Systems” (with Paul-Erik Veel), in Jennifer Arlen (ed.), Research Handbook on the Economics of Torts (Edward Elgar, 2013).
“The Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements: The Beginning of the End of Multilateralism?” (with Adrian Johnston), in Hoffman, Schill, and Tams (eds.), Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements: A New Ordering Paradigm for International Investment Relations? (Nomos Publishers, 2013).
"The Enduring Problem of Export Subsidies," (with Andrew Green) in Bagwell, Bermann and Mavroidis (eds.), Law and Economics of Contingent Protection in International Trade (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
"Import Safety Regulation and International Trade," (with Tracey Epps) in Coglianese, Finkel, and Zaring (eds.), Import Safety: Regulatory Governance in the Global Economy (U. of Pennsylvania Press, 2009).
"Special and Differential Treatment in Agricultural Trade," (Tracey Epps), in Chantal Thomas and Joel P. Trachtman (eds.), Developing Countries in the WTO Legal System (Oxford University Press, 2009).
"Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising: The Limits of Legal Paternalism," Tribute to Anthony Ogus (edited collection, 2008).
"The Political Economy of Deregulation in Canada," (with Edward Iacobucci and Ralph Winter), in Martin Levin (ed.), Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform (Brookings Institute, 2007).
"The Lessons and Limits of Law and Economics," in Pierre Noreau (ed.), In the Eye of the Beholder (Montreal: Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche en droit public, 2007).
"International Trade: Barriers to Trade," (with Michael Fishbein), in Guzman and Sykes (eds.), Research Handbook in International Economic Law (Edward Elgar, 2007).
"The Demand for Bijurally Trained Canadian Lawyers," (with Kevin Davis), in Breton and Trebilcock (eds.), Bijuralism: An Economic Approach (Ashgate, 2006).
"Electricity Restructuring in Canada," (with Roy Hrab) in Sioshansi and Pfanffeyer (eds.), Electricity Market Reform: An International Perspective (Elsevier, 2006). (abstract)
"Competition Class Actions: An Evaluation of Deterrence and Corrective Justice Rationales," (with Margaret Sanderson), in Stephen Pitel (ed.), Litigating Conspiracy: An Analysis of Competition Class Actions (Irwin, 2006).
"Rationales and Instruments for Government Intervention in Natural Disasters," (with Ron Daniels), in Daniels, Kettl and Kunreuther (eds.), On Risk and Disaster (U. of Pennsylvania Press, 2006).
"The National Treatment Principle in International Trade Law," (with Shiva Giri), in Choi and Hartigan (eds.), Handbook of International Trade, Volume II (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005).
"The Choice of Governing Instrument: A Retrospective," in Eliades, Hill and Howlett (eds.), Designing Government (McGill-Queens Press, 2005).
"Towards a New Compact in University Education in Ontario," (with Ron Daniels) in F. Iacobucci and C. Tuohy (eds.), Taking Public Universities Seriously (University of Toronto Press, 2005).
"Journeys Across the Divides," in Parisi and Rowley (eds.), The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers (Edward Elgar, 2005).
"Trade Policy and Labour Standards," in J. Kirton and M. Trebilcock (eds.), Hard Choices, Soft Law (Ashgate, 2004). (download paper from SSRN)
"International Trade & International Labour Standards," in Stefan Griller (ed.), International Economic Governance and Non-Economic Concerns (Springer-Wien, 2003).
"Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy," in Charles Rickett and Thomas Telfer (eds.), International Perspectives on Consumer Access to Justice (Cambridge 2003).
"International Trade Policy and Domestic Food Safety Regulation," (with Julie Soloway), in David Kennedy and James Southwick (eds.), The Political Economy of International Trade (Cambridge University Press, 2002).
"Regulatory Diversity and Trade and Investment Liberalization"; paper presented at OECD Conference, Paris, December 2000, published in a volume by the OECD, 2001.
"Mostly Smoke and Mirrors: NGOs and the WTO", paper presented to an International Conference at New York University in March 2000, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Library of Congress. This paper was published in a volume of conference papers.
"The Value and Limits of Law and Economics", in Hadfield and Richardson (eds) The Second Wave of Law and Economics (Federation Press, 1999).
"Immigration Policy" in Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law (1998).
"Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights" (with Gallini) in Anderson & Gallini: eds. Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights (Industry Canada, 1998).
"What Makes Poor Countries Poor? The Role of Institutional Capital in Economic Development" in Buscaglia and Cooter (eds.), The Law and Economics of Development (JAI Press, 1997).
"The Future of Ontario Hydro: A Review of Structural and Regulatory Options" (with Daniels) in Daniels (ed), Ontario Hydro at the Millenum: Has Monopoly's Moment Passed? (McGill-Queen's Press, 1996).
"Choice of Policy Instrument in the Provision of Public Infrastructure" (with Daniels) in Mintz (ed.) Infrastructure and Competitiveness (John Deutsch Institute, 1994).
"Throwing Deep: Trade Remedy Laws in a First-Best World" in Trebilcock & York (eds.), Fair Exchange: Reforming Trade Remedy Laws (C.D. Howe, 1990).
"Economic Analysis of Law" in Devlin (ed.), Studies in Canadian Legal Theory (Carswell, 1990).
"Can We Become Better Losers? The Political Economy of Economic Adjustment", in Maslove and Winer (eds.), Knocking on the Back Door (I.R.P.P. 1987).
"Federalism and the Canadian Economic Union", in Bakvis and Chandler (eds.) Federalism and the Role of the State (University of Toronto Press, 1987).
"Customary Land Law Reform in Papua New Guinea", Adelaide Law School Centenary Essays, (1983).
"Policy Options in Quality Regulation", (with Dewees), in Dewees (ed.), Quality Regulation, (1983).
"Crown Corporations in Canada", (with Prichard) in Chandler and Atkinson (eds.), Public Policy Making in Canada, (University of Toronto Press, 1982).
"Licensure in Law", (with Reiter) in Evans and Trebilcock (eds.), Lawyers and the Consumer Interest, (Butterworths, 1982).
"Comparative Advertising", in Evans and Trebilcock (eds.), Lawyers and the Consumer Interest, (Butterworths, 1982).
"Regulating the Quality of Psychotherapeutic Services", (with Shaul) in Dewees (ed.), Quality Regulation, (1983); also in Journal of Law and Human Behaviour, (1983).
"Crown Corporations: The Calculus of Instrument Choice", (with Prichard) in Prichard (ed.), Public Enterprise in Canada, (Butterworth, 1983).
"An Approach to Framing Regulatory Policies for the Professions", (with Tuohy and Wolfson) in Rottenberg (ed.), Occupation Licensure, (American Enterprise Institute, 1980).
"The Consumer Interest and the Regulatory Process", (with Prichard and Waverman), in Duggan and Dorvall (eds.), Consumer Protection Law and Theory (Law Book Co., 1980).
"The Evolution of Competition Policy: A Comparative Perspective" in Mathewson, Trebilcock and Walker (eds.), The Law and Economics of Competition Policy (Fraser Institute, 1980).
"Interprovincial Restrictions on the Mobility of Resources", (with others) (Ontario Economic Council, 1977).
"Markets for Regulation", (with Waverman, Prichard), in Government Regulation (Ontario Economic Council, 1978).
"Economic Analysis of Commercial Law", (with Prichard) (Annual Commercial Law Workshop Volume, 1978).
"Problems of Economic Integration in a Decentralized Federation", (with Shiroky), in The Canadian Confederation at the Cross-roads (Fraser Institute, 1978).
"The Consumer Interest and Regulatory Reform", in Doern (ed.), The Regulatory Process in Canada (Macmillan, 1978).
"The Consumer in the Post-Industrial Market-Place", in Lindgreen and Mason (eds.), The Corporation and Australian Society, (Law Book Co. of Australia, 1974).
"When is a Consumer Protection Bill not a Consumer Protection Bill?", (1971 Wainwright Lecture Collection).
Published Articles
“Between Universalism and Relativism: Reflections on the Evolution of Law and Development Studies” (Summer 2016) 66 University of Toronto L. J. 330.
“Equality Before the Law?: Evaluating Criminal Case Outcomes in Canada” (co-authored with Albert Yoon), (Winter 2016) 53 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 587.
“An Economic Analysis of Waiver of Tort in Negligence Actions” (with Edward Iacobucci) (2016) University of Toronto Law Journal.
“Held Back: Explaining the Sluggish Pace of Improvement to Basic Education in Developing Democracies: The Cases of India and Brazil (with Lindsey Carson and Joanna Noronha) (2015) 6 Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, pg. 1l Winner of the Journal’s prize for Best Publication in the Journal in 2015.
“The Puzzle of Agricultural Exceptionalism in International Trade Policy” (with Kristen Pue) (2015) 18 Journal of International Economic Law 233.
“A Sceptical Reaction to Both Diagnosis and Prescription,” short comment on Anne Orford’s Paper in the Symposium Issue on Food Security and International Trade, 2015 Journal of International Law and International Relations.
“Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships in the Developing World: Lessons from Recent Experience” (with Michael Rosenstock) (2015) Journal of Development Studies.
“Between Theories of Trade and Development: The Future of the World Trading System” (2015) Journal of World Investment and Trade.
“An Economic Analysis of Alternative Business Structures in the Provision of Legal Services” (with Edward Iacobucci), (2014) Canadian Bar Review.
“An Economic Assessment of Third Party Litigation Funding of Ontario Class Actions” (with Elizabeth Kagedan) (2014) 55 Canadian Business Law Journal 54.
“Contracts as Products: Comments on Margaret Radin’s Boilerplate” (2013) Canadian Business Law Journal.
“Chinese Investment in the United States and Canada” (with Mark Klaver), (September 2013) Canadian Business Law Journal 123.
“Fragmentation in International Trade Law: Insights from the Global Investment Regime” (with Adrian Johnston), (2013) 12, World Trade Review 621.
“Police Reform in Violent Democracies in Latin America” (with Mariana Prado and Patrick Hartford) (2012) 4 Hague J. on the Rule of Law 252.
Michael Trebilcock and Edward Iacobucci, “The Role of Crown Corporations in the Canadian Economy: An Analytical Framework,” Research paper, University of Calgary School of Public Policy, March 2012.
"Designing Competition Law Institutions: Values, Structures, and Mandates," (with Edward Iacobucci) (2010) 41 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal (16 pages).
"Canada's Policy Reponse to Froeign Sovereign Investment: Operationalizing National Security Exceptions," Jackie VanDerMeulen and Michael Trebilcock (2009) Canadian Business Law Journal.
"Between Institutions and Culture: The YNDP's Arab Human Development Reports," (2009) Journal of Middle East Law and Governance 210.
"The Competition Bureau's Report on Competition and Self-Regulation in the Canadian Legal Profession: A Critical Evaluation," (with Edward Iacobucci), (2009) Canadian Competition Record 92.
"Path Dependence, Development, and the Dynamics of Institutional Reform" (with Mariana Mota Prado) (2009) 59(3) University of Toronto Law Journal 341-380.
"The Relationship Between Law and Development," (with Kevin Davis), (Fall 2008) 56 American Journal of Comparative Law 895.
"Property Rights and Development: The Contingent Case for Formalization," (with Paul-Erik Veel), (Winter 2008) 30 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 397.
"Searching for Hope: The Countries that Globalization Has Left Behind," (2008) 46 Canadian Business Law Journal 184.
"Regulating the Market for Legal Services," (2008) 45 University of Alberta Law Review 215.
"Abuse of Dominance: The Implications of the Decision in Canada Pipe," (2007) Competition Policy Record.
"Regional Electricity Market Integration," (with Richard Pierce and Evan Thomas), (2007) 8 Competition and Regulation in Network Industries.
"Enforcing WTO Obligations: What Can We Learn from Export Subsidies?" (with Andrew Green), (2007) 10 Journal of International Economic Law 653.
"The Design of Regulatory Institutions for the Canadian Telecommunications Sector," (with Edward Iacobucci), (2007) 33 Canadian Public Policy 127.
"Abuse of Dominance: The Implications of the Decision in Canada Pipe," (2007) Competition Policy Record
“The Political Economy of Emigration and Immigration,” (with Matthew Sudak), (2006). New York University Law Review, Vol. 81, No. 1, 2006.
"The Canadian Experience with Deregulation," (with Ralph Winter and Edward Iacobucci), (2006) 56 U. of Toronto L.J.
"Beyond Gridlock: The Case for Greater Integration of Regional Electricity Markets," (with R. Pierce and E. Thomas), C.D. Howe Commentary, March 2006.
"The Political Economy of Emigration and Immigration" (with Matthew Sudak), (2006) 81 New York University Law Review 1, 234.
"The Role of Formal Contract Law and Enforcement in Economic Development" (with Jing Leng), (2006) 92 U. Virginia L. Rev. 1517
The Political Economy of Rule of Law Reform, (with Ron Daniels), Michigan Journal of International Law.
"Electricity Restructuring in Ontario," (with Roy Hrab), (2005) 26 Energy Journal 123.
"Merger Review in Regulated Industries," (with Margaret Sanderson), (2005) 42 Canadian Business Law Journal 157.
"Critiquing the Critics of Economic Globalization," (2005) 1 Journal of International Law and International Relations 213.
"Regulated Conduct in the Competition Act," (2005) 41 Canadian Business Law Journal 492.
"National Treatment and Extraterritoriality: Defining the Domains of Trade and Antitrust Policy," (with Edward (Iacobucci), in Richard Epstein and Michael Greve (eds.), Competition Laws in Conflict, (Washington, D.C.: AEI Press, 2004).
"Privatization and Accountability," (with Edward Iacobucci), (2003) 116 Harvard L.Rev. 1622.
"Electricity Restructuring in Ontario: The Political Economy of a Short-Circuit," (with Roy Hrab), CD Howe Commentary, November 2003 (33 pages).
"The Law and Economics of Immigration Policy," (2003), American Law and Economics Review 271-317.
"Reforming Section 45," (2003) Competition Policy Record.
"Designing Competition Law Institutions," (with Edward Iacobucci), (2002) World Competition 361.
"Ethnically Homogeneous Commercial Elites in Developing Countries," (with Kevin Davis) (2001) 32 Law & Policy in International Business 331.
"State-Owned Enterprises in Less Developed Countries: Privatization and Alternative Reform Measures" (with Andrew Smith) (2001) 12 European Journal of Law and Economics 217.
"Multidisciplinary Professional Practices: A Consumer Welfare Perspective," (with Lilla Csorgo), (2001) 24 Dalhousie L.J.I.
"The Supreme Court and Strengthening the Conditions for Effective Competition in the Canadian Economy" (2001) 80 Canadian Bar Review 542.
"The Scope and Limits of Legal Paternalism: Altruism and Coercion in Family Financial Arrangements" (with Steven Elliott), in Peter Benson Ed. The Theory of Contract Law, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
"Regulating Legal Competence" (2001) 34 Canadian Business Law Journal 444.
"Government by Voucher" (with Ron Daniels) (February 2000) 80 Boston University Law Review 205.
"Electricity Restructuring: The Ontario Experience", (with Ron Daniels) (April 2000) 33 Canadian Business Law Journal 161.
"The State of Efficiencies in Canadian Merger Policy" (with Ralph Winter) (Winter 2000) 19 Canadian Competition Record 106.
"Law Reforms and Development: An Overview of the Evidence" (with Kevin Davis) (2000) Third World Quarterly.
"Market Power Issues in Electricity Industry Restructurings", (with Gal) (1999) 22 Journal of World Competition, 119.
"Lurching Around Chicago: The Positive Challenge of Explaining the Recent Regulatory Reform Agenda", published in Bird, Trebilcock and Wilson (eds.), Rationality and the Policy Process (Canadian Tax Foundation), 1999.
"The Limits of the Full Court Press: Of Blood and Mergers", (with Austin) (1998) 48 University of Toronto Law Journal 1.
"Trade Liberalization and Regulatory Diversity: Reconciling Competitive Markets with Competitive Politics", (with Howse) (1998) 6 European Journal of Law and Economics 5.
"Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy" (with Hadfield and Howse) (1998) Journal of Consumer Policy.
"Risk Regulation: Technocratic and Democratic Tools for Regulatory Reform", (with Fraiberg), (1998) 43 McGill Law Journal 835.
"The Economics of Nuclear Accident Law", (with Winter), (1997) 17 International Review of Law and Economics 215.
"An Introduction to Law and Economics", (1997) 23 Monash University Law Review 124.
"Rethinking the Role of the Competition Tribunal" (with Campbell and Janisch) (1997) 76 Canadian Bar Review 297.
"Private Enforcement of Competition Laws" (with Roach) (October 1997) Policy Options 17.
"Private Provision of Public Infrastructure: An Organizational Analysis of the Next Privatization Frontier", (with Daniels) (1996) 46 U. of Toronto L. J. 375.
"Public Accountability in an Age of Contracting Out" (with Atwood), (1996) 27 Canadian Business L. J. 1.
"Competition Policy and Trade Policy: Mediating the Interface", (1996), 30 J. of World Competition 71.
"Private Enforcement of Competition Laws" (with Roach) (1996) 34 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 461.
"Do Institutions Matter: A Comparative Pathology of the HIV-Infected Blood Tragedy" (with Howse & Daniels), (1996) 82 Virginia L. Rev. 1407.
"The Fair Trade - Free Trade Debate: Trade, Labour and the Environment", (with Howse), (1996) International Review of Law and Economics.
"The Canadian Internal Trade Agreement" (with Behboodi) in Schwanen and Trebilcock, Getting There (C.D. Howe, 1995).
"Voice and Exit in New Zealand Health Care Reforms" (University of Auckland Research Journal).
"Can Governments Be Reinvented?" in Boston (ed.) The State in an Age of Contracting Out (1995).
"Reforming Trade Remedy Law in North America" (with Boddez) (1994) Minnesota J. of Global Trade
"The Prospects for Reinventing Government" (C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto, 1994).
"Testing the Limits of Freedom of Contract: Commercialization of Reproductive Technologies and Materials" (with Martin, Lawson and Lewis) (1994) 32 Osgoode Hall L.J. 613.
"Rethinking Price-Fixing Law" (1993) 38(1) McGill Law Journal 679.
"Making Hard Social Choices: Lessons From the Auto Accident Compensation Debate", (with Chapman) (1992) 44 Rutgers L. Rev. 78.
"The Efficacy of the Tort System and its Alternatives: A Review of the Empirical Evidence", (with Dewees) (1992) 30 Osgoode Hall L.J. 57.
"The Role of Private Ordering in Family Law: A Law and Economics Perspective", (with Keshvani) (1991) 41 U. of Toronto L.J. 5
"Taking Stock: Consumerism in the 1990s", (1991) 19 Canadian Business L.J. 412.
"An Empirical Analysis of the Application of Canadian Antidumping Laws: A Search for Normative Rationales", (with Hutton), (1990) 24 J. World Trade 123
"Trade Restrictive Policies and Democratic Politics: A Proposal for Reform" (with Chandler and Howse) (1990), 1 Public Law 234
"Smaller or Smarter Government?" (with Howse and Prichard) (1990) 40 Univ. Toronto L.J. 498
"The Medical Malpractice Crisis: A Comparative Empirical Perspective", (with Dewees and Coyte) (1990) 65 Law and Contemporary Problems 217.
"The Future of Tort Law: Mapping the Contours of the Debate", (1989) 15 Can. Bus. L.J.
"Punitive Damages: Divergence in Search of a Rationale", (with Chapman) (1989) 40 Alabama L. Rev. 741.
"The Role of Insurance Considerations in the Choice of Efficient Civil Liability Rules", (1988) Yale J. L. Ec. and Org.
"Incentive Issues in the Design of No-Fault Compensation Schemes", (1988) University of Toronto Law Journal
"The Case for Free Trade", (1988) 14 Can. Bus. L. J. 387
"Economic Mobility and Constitutional Reform", (1987) University of Toronto L.J. 268 (with Lee)
"The Social Insurance-Deterrence Dilemma of Modern North American Tort Law", (1987) 24 San Diego L.R. 929
"Products Liability and the Allergic Consumer - A study in the Problems of Framing an Efficient Liability Regime" (with Rogerson) (1986), University of Toronto Law Journal
"Communal Property Rights: The Papua New Guinean Experience", (1984) 34 University of Toronto L.J. 377
"The Law and Economics of Contract Modifications" (with Aivazian and Penny), (1984) 22 Osgoode Hall L.J. 173
"Restrictive Covenants in the Sale of a Business", (1984) International Review of Law and Economics
"The Prospects of Law and Economics: A Canadian-Perspective" (1983) 33 J. Leg. Ed. 288
"The Choice of Governing Instrument" (with Hartle) The International Review of Law and Economics, U.K., 1982
"Regulatory Reform and the Political Process", (with Hartle) (1982) 20 Osgoode Hall L.J. 643
"Lawyers Advertising" (with Hudec) University of Western Ontario L.R., 1982)
"The Administration of the Federal Hazardous Products Act" (with Shaul) Canadian Business Law Journal, 1982
"Compensation, Transition Costs and Regulatory Change" (with Quinn) 1982 University of Toronto L.J.
"A Tax Credit for Public Interest Groups" (with Engelhart), Canadian Taxation 1982
"An Economic Analysis of Cost and Fee Rules and Class Actions" (with Dewees and Prichard) (1981) 10 Journal of Legal Studies, University of Chicago, 155)
"An Economic Analysis of Limited Liability in Corporation Law" (with Halpern and Turnbull), (1980) 30 University Toronto L.J. 117
"Judicial Control of Standard Form Contracts: An Economic Analysis" (with Dewees), (in Veljanovski and Burrows, eds.)
"The Deregulation Debate", (1979) 10 Canadian Marketer 9
"A Consumer Perspective on the Anti-Dumping Act" (with Quinn) 1979 Canada-U.S. Law Journal
"An Economic Approach to the Doctrine of Unconscionability" in Reiter and Swan (eds.) Essays in the Law of Contract (Butterworths, 1979)
"Class Actions and Private Law Enforcement", (with Prichard) (1978) 27 U.N.B.L.J. 5
"Regulators and the Consumer Interest", (1977) 2 Canadian Business L.J. 101
"The Doctrine of Inequality of Bargaining Power", (1976) 26 University of Toronto L.J. 359
"The Pathology of Credit Breakdown", (1976) 22 McGill L.J. 417
"Winners and Losers in the Modern Regulatory System: Must the Consumer Always Lose?", (1975) 13 Osgoode Hall L.J. 417
"Market Considerations in the Formulation of Consumer Protection Policy" (1973) 23 University of Toronto Law Journal 396 (with Cayne)
"Private Law Remedies for Misleading Advertising" (1972) 22 University of Toronto L.J.
"Manufacturers' Guarantees", (1972) 18 McGill L.J. 2
"Protecting Consumers Against the Purchase of Defective Merchandise", (1971) 4 Adelaide L.R. 12
"Reform of the Law Relating to Consumer Credit" - (1970) Vol. 7, No. 4, Melbourne University Law Review 315
"Consumer Protection in the Affluent Society", (1970) 16 McGill L.J. 263
"The Liability of Company Directors for Negligence" (1969) U.K. Modern L.R., September issue
"Company Law Problems in Family Tax Companies" 1969 Australian Law Journal, January, February, March issues
"When does a Settlement 'Take Effect'?" (Succession Duty) (1969) 42 Australian Law Journal 308
"Re-opening Hire-purchase Transactions" (1968) 41 Australian Law Journal 424
"Effects of Alterations to Articles of Association" (1967) Vol. 31, No. 2 The Conveyancer (U.K.) 95
"Rights on a Bill of Exchange" (1966) Vol. 2, No. 3 University of Tasmania Law Review 270
"Company Contracts" (1966) Vol. 2, No. 3 Adelaide Law Review 310
"Section 260: A Critical Examination" (Income Tax) (1964) 38 Australian Law Journal 237 (discussed and applied by the New Zealand Supreme Court in Lewis v. Commissioner of Inland Revenue, [1965] N.Z.L.R. 634)
"Taxation of Assigned Income" (1963) 4 The Australian Lawyer 121 and 145.
"Scope of the Defence of Provocation in New Zealand Law" [1963] N.Z.L.J. 619.
"Finders Keep - How True Today?" [1962] N.Z.L.J. 276.
Policy Papers, Academic Reports and Submissions
“Let the Market Decide: The Case Against Mandatory Pick-and-Pay,” (with Lawson Hunter and Edward Iacobucci) (September 25, 2014). C.D. Howe Institute e-Brief No. 184.
“The Role of Crown Corporations in the Canadian Economy: An Analytical Framework” (with Edward Iacobucci), University of Calgary School of Public Policy, March 2012.
"The Eco-Fee Imbroglio: Lessons from Ontario's Troubled Experiment in Charging for Waste Management," (with Andrew Green), C.D. Howe Institute Commentary, December 2010.
"The Perils of Picking Technological Winners in Renewable Energy Policy," (with James Wilson), Energy Probe Research Study, March 2010.
"Scrambled Signals: Canadian Content Policies in a World of Technological Abundance" (with L.A.W. Hunter and E. Iacobucci) C.D. Howe Institute Commentary, No. 301, January 2010, pp. 1-34.
Review of Ontario legal Aid Program, report prepared for the Ministry of the Attorney General, Government of Ontario (March 2008).
Rerouting the Mail: Why Canada Post is Due for Reform (with Edward Iacobucci and Tracey Epps) (C.D. Howe Institute, 2007)
Beyond Gridlock: The Case for Greater Integration of Regional Electricity Markets," (with Richard Pierce and Evan Thomas), C.D. Howe Commentary, March 2006.
Creating a Human Capital Society for Ontario (with Daniels, Green, and Hrab), staff report prepared for the Panel on the Role of Government in Ontario, March 2004.
The Future of the Toronto Stock Exchange: A Paradigm in Transition, (with Daniels) for the TSE, 1998
The Role of the Civil Justice System in the Choice of Governing Instrument (with Howse) for the Civil Justice Review, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, 1996
The Limits of Freedom of Contract: The Commercialization of Reproductive Materials and Services (with Martin, Lawson, and Lewis) (for the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, 1993)
Medical Malpractice: An Empirical Analysis of the Canadian Experience (with Dewees and Coyte) (for Federal-Provincial Task Force on Malpractice Liability, 1989
Adjusting to Trade: A Comparative Perspective, (with Chandler and Howse), Economic Council of Canada, Discussion Paper, December 1988
The Politics of Positive Sum, in Ottawa, Money and Power (ed. Courchene et. al). Ontario Economic Council, 1985
A Survey of Industrial Policies in Selected OECD Countries (with Chandler), Macdonald Royal Commission, 1985
The Role of the Private Sector in the Economic Development of Papua New Guinea (Institute of Natural Affairs 1983)
Policy Options in the Regulation of Asbestos-Related Health Hazards (with Tuohy), Royal Commission on Asbestos, 1982.
Public Strategy and the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (with Lyon). Ontario Economic Council, 1982
The Choice of Governing Instrument (with Hartle, Prichard and Dewees), Economic Council of Canada, 1982
Public Enterprise in Papua New Guinea, (Institute of National Affairs, 1982)
Land Policy in Papua New Guinea, (with Knetsch) (published by the Institute of National Affairs, Port Moresby, 1981)
"Case Studies in the Choice of Governing Instrument", (with Hartle, Prichard and Dewees) (Economic Council of Canada, Working Paper, 1981)
Three papers on Good Faith in Contracting, Unconscionability, and Disclaimer Clauses for the Ontario Law Reform Commission 1973-1974
A Study on Consumer Misleading and Unfair Trade Practices, (Information Canada, 1976) with others (2 vols.)
Position Paper (under contract) for the National Council of Welfare, Prices and the Poor, (1973)
Report (under contract) to the Canadian Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs on "The Problems of Product Quality in the Consumer Marketplace", (180 pp.) (1971)
Member, Adelaide Law School Committee, Report to the Standing Committee of Australian Commonwealth and State Attorneys-General on the law relating to Consumer Credit and Moneylending, (140 pp.) (South Australian Government Printer, July 1969)
"The Scope of Section 260 of the Income Tax Assessment Act" - 1967 South Australian Annual Convention of the Taxation Institute of Australia
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