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- Archer-Kuhn; B., Saini, M. Tam, D., Hughes, J., Beltrano, N., Trudgill, D., & Still, M. (in press). Domestic violence during COVID-19: Stories from service providers engaging with survivors. Journal of Policy Practice and Research.
- Godbout, E., Poitras, K, Saini, M. (in press). Entre aide et autorité : perceptions les juges et des experts concernant leur rôle auprès des familles vivant des conflits sévères de séparation. Revue scientifique de l’AIFI.
- Saini, M., Stavro-Pearce, S., Deljavan, S., Newman, J., & Christensen, M. (in press) Safety and wellbeing from the perspectives of youth: Experiences of using supervised access and exchange services following separation and divorce. Family Court Review.
- Jones, A., & Saini, M. (in press). Remote technology-assisted parenting plan evaluations in a global pandemic: Exploring the safety, reliability and feasibility. Family Court Review.
- Pruett, M., Johnston, J., Saini, M., Sullivan, M., & Salem, P. (2023). The use of parental alienation constructs by family justice system professionals: a survey of belief systems and practice implications. Family Court Review. 61(2), 372-394.
- Archer-Kuhn; B., Saini, M. Tam, D., Hughes, J., Beltrano, N., Trudgill, D., & Still, M. (2023). A survey of mothers’ experiences of shared parenting and domestic violence. Family Court Review. 61(2), 395-412.
- Archer-Kuhn, B., Hughes, J., Saini, M., Still, M., Beltrano, N., & Tam, D., (2022). Who is going to keep us safe? Surviving shared parenting and COVID-19. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 32(1), 57-66.
- Zumbach J, Brubacher S, Davis F, de Ruiter C, Ireland JL, McNamara K, October M, Saini M, Volbert R & Laajasalo T (2022). International perspective on guidelines and policies for child custody and child maltreatment risk evaluations: A preliminary comparative analysis across selected countries in Europe and North America. Frontiers in Psychology, section Forensic and Legal Psychology doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.900058
- Archer-Kuhn, B., Hughes, J., Saini, M., Tam, D., Beltrano, N., & Still, M. (2022). A balancing act when children are young: women’s experiences in shared parenting arrangements as survivors of domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence.
- Saini, M., Pruett, M., & Alschech, J. (2022). The short-form of the Coparenting Across Family Structures Scale (CoPAFS-27): A confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 31, 2785-2800.
- Lam, A., Emery, V., Griffin, R. & Saini, M.(2022). Integrating social work within legal clinics: An inter-professional perspective to facilitate access to justice. Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues, 38, 11-29.
- Archer-Kuhn, B., Beltrano, N. R., Hughes, J., Saini, M., Tam, D. (2022). Recruitment in response to a pandemic: Pivoting a community-based recruitment strategy to Facebook for hard to reach populations during COVID-19. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 22(6), 797-808.
- Romano, E., Weegar, K., Gallitto, E., Zak., S. & Saini, M. (2021). Meta-analysis on interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 22(4), 728-738.
- Sawyer, J. L., Mishna, F., Bouffet, E., Saini, M., & Zlotnik-Shaul, R. (2021). Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Impact of Hospital Isolation on Peer Relationships Among Children and Adolescents with a Malignant Brain Tumor. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-15.
- Morris, R., Greenblatt, A., & Saini, M.(2021). Working beyond capacity: A qualitative review of healthcare providers’ experiences of working with autistic individuals. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Birnbaum, R., Poitras, K., Saini, M., Bala, N., Cyr, F. (2021) Views and experiences of parents in the family justice process in Ontario and Quebec: Report on the first stage of a longitudinal research project Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. 62(7), 532-550.
- Pruett MK, Alschech J, & Saini M. (2021). The impact of coparenting on mothers’ COVID-19-related stressors. Social Sciences. 10(8), 311.
- Southey, S., Morris, R., & Saini, M. (2021). Coparenting autistic children during COVID-19: Emerging insights from practice. International Social Work. 64(5), 790–795.
- Sawyer, J. Mishna, F., Saini, M., Bouffet, E. & Shaul, R. (2021). Applying attachment theory to explore the impact of hospital isolation on peer relationships among children and adolescents with a malignant brain tumour. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
- Zumbach, J., Saini, M., & Koglin, U. (2021). Children's strategies for giving voice to needs consistent with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Family Court Review, 59(2), 309-323.
- Black, T., Fallon, B., Saini, M.., Deljavan, S., Theoduloz R. (2021). The intersection of child welfare, intimate partner violence and child custody disputes: secondary data analysis of the Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 15(4), 473-486.
- Poitra, K., Birnbaum, R., Saini, M., Bala, N., Cyr, F. (2021). Family dispute resolution: Case characteristics associated to trial. Children and Youth Service Review, 123
- Saini, M., Belcher-Timme, R., Nau, D., (2020). A multidisciplinary perspective on the role, value, and effectiveness of parenting coordination. Family Court Review. 58(3), 658-672.
- Edwards, T., Hussain, A., Sato, C., King, J., Sani, M., & King, B (2020). Racial Disproportionality and Disparities for Black Families Involved with the Child Welfare System: A Scoping Review Protocol. Social Science Protocols. 3, 1-10.
- Saini, M., Laajasalo, T & Platt, S. (2020). Gatekeeping by allegations: An examination of verified, unfounded, and fabricated allegations of child maltreatment within the context of resist and refusal dynamics. Family Court Review, 58(2). 417-431.
- Greenblatt, A. & Saini, M. (2019). Experiences of adolescents with cancer from diagnosis to post-treatment: A scoping review. Social Work Health Care. 58(8):776-795.
- Saini, M. (2019). Strengthening coparenting relationships to improve strained parent-child relationships: A follow up study of parents’ experiences of attending the Overcoming Barriers Program. Family Court Review, 57(2), 217-320.
- Saini, M., Nikolova, K., Black, T., & Godbout, E. (2019). An integrative model for taming the storm: Casework supervision in child protection services for working with families involved in high-conflict child custody disputes. Child Welfare. 97(3), 41-59.
- Saini, M., Pruett, M., Alschech, J. & Sushchyk, A. (2019). A pilot study to measure Co-Parenting Across Family Structures (CoPAFS). Journal of Child and Family Studies. 28(5), 1392-1401.
- Morris, R., Greenblatt, A., & Saini, M. (2019). Healthcare providers’ experiences with autism: A scoping review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 49(6), 2374-2388.
- Saini, M., Black, T, Godbout, E., Deljavan, S. (2019). Feeling the pressure to take sides: A survey of child protection workers’ experiences about responding to allegations of child maltreatment within the context of child custody disputes. Children and Youth Services Review, 96, 127-133.
- Polak, S., & Saini, M. (2019). The complexity of families involved in high-conflict disputes: A post-separation ecological transactional framework. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. 60(2), 117-140.
- Bogossian, A., King, G., Lach, L., Currie, M., McNeill, T., Nicholas, D., & Saini, M. (2019). (Unpacking) father involvement in the context of childhood neurodisability research: a scoping review Disability and Rehabilitation. 41(1), 110-124.
- Alschech, J. & Saini, M. (2018) "Fathers' rights" activism, discourse, groups and impacts: Findings from a scoping review of the literature Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 1-27.
- Godbout, E, Saini, M., Turbide, C. (2018). Les conflits sévères de séparation: le point de vue et les besoins des intervenants en protection de la jeunesse. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 39(3), 99-124.
- Saini, M., & Polak, S. (2018). The benefits, drawbacks and safety considerations in digital parent-child relationships: An exploratory survey of the views of legal and mental health professionals in family law. Family Court Review, 54(4), 597-606
- Birnbaum, R., McCleary, L., Saini, M., & Bala, N. (2018). Dimensions of Conflict for Separated Families Index: An Index for Family Courts. Children and Youth Services Review. 88, 191-196.
- Romano, E, Weegar, K., Babchishin, L, Saini, M(2018). Cross-informant agreement on mental health outcomes in children with maltreatment histories: A systematic review. Journal of Violence. 8(1), 19-30.
- Birnbaum, M., Saini, M. & Bala, N. (2018). Growing concerns about the impact of self-representation in family court: Views of Ontario judges, Children’s Lawyers and clinicians. Canadian Family Law Quarterly. 37, 121-136.
- Landers, A., Cann, R., Shapiro, V., McLuckie, A., Carrey, N.J., MacLaurin, B., Trocmé, N. & Saini, M. (2018). A scoping review of evidence-based interventions available to parents of maltreated children ages 0-5 involved with child welfare services. Child Abuse & Neglect. 76, 546-560
- Birnbaum, R., Saini, M., & MacAulay, M. (2017). Ottawa coordinated case management project for high conflict custody and access cases: Lessons learned. Canadian Family Law Quarterly, 36.3(3), 239-340.
- Houston, C., Bala, N., Saini, M. (2017). Crossover cases of high-conflict families involving child protection services: Ontario research findings and suggestions for good practices, Family Court Review. 55(3), 362–374.
- Ketelaar, M., Bogossian, A., Saini, M., Visser-Meily, A., Lach, L. (2017). Assessment of the ‘family’ in the context of practice and research: A state-of-the-art review of pediatric neurodisability. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 59(3), 259-269.
- Saini, M., Newman, J., & Christensen, M. (2017). When supervision becomes the only plan: An analysis of long‐term use of supervised access and exchange services after separation and divorce. Family Court Review. 55 (4), 604-61.
- Bala, N., Birnbaum, R., Poitras, K., Saini, M., Cyr, F. & Leclair, S. (2017). Shared parenting in Canada: Increasing use but continued controversy. Family Court Review. 55 (4), 513-530
- Saini, M. (2017). Optimizing the repair of strained parent-child relationships: A summary of the research. Ontario Family Law Reporter. 31(1), 8-15.
- Godbout, E., Saint-Jacques, M.C., Blaude, A., Saini, M., et Pierce, T., (2017). Le point sur la garde partagée : ce que la recherche nous dit et ne nous dit pas sur cette forme de partage du temps parental. Intervention, 145, 63-67.
- Saini, M., Drozd, L., & Olesen, N., (2017). Adaptive and maladaptive gatekeeping behaviors and attitudes: Implications for child outcomes after separation and divorce. Family Court Review. 55(2), 260–272.
- Salem, P. & Saini, M. (2017). A survey of beliefs and priorities about access to justice of family law: The search for a multidisciplinary perspective. Family Court Review. 55(1), 120–138
- Birnbaum, R., Saini, M. & Bala, N. (2017). Canada’s first integrated domestic violence court: Examining family and criminal court outcomes at the Toronto I.D.V.C. Journal of Family Violence. 32(6), 621–631.
- Black, T., Saini, M., Deljava, S., Fallon, B., Theoduloz, R, and Wall, M. (2016). The Intersection of Child Custody Disputes and Child Protection Investigations: Secondary Data Analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008). International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 4(1), 143-157.
- Bala, N., Saini, M., Spitz, S. (2016). Supervised access as a stepping stone rather than a destination: A qualitative review of Ontario services & policies for assisting families transitioning from supervised access. Queen's University Legal Research Paper No. 085. Available at SSRN:
- Saini, M. Birnbaum, R. & Bala, N. (2016) Access to justice in Ontario’s family courts: The parents’ perspective. Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues. 37, 1-25.
- Saini, M., Birnbaum, R., Bala, N., & McLarty, B. (2016). Understanding pathways to family dispute resolution and justice reforms: a court file analysis & survey of views of professionals in Ontario. Family Court Review. 54(3), 382-397.
- Salem, P. & Saini, M. (2016). A survey of beliefs and priorities about access to justice of family law: The search for a multidisciplinary perspective. Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, 17, 661-690.
- Saint-Jacques, M.-C., Filion, L., Godbout, É., Turcotte, D., Parent, C. et Saini, M. (2016). La médiation familiale à distance. Survol d’une pratique en émergence. Tiers, 15, 113-127.
- Emery, R.E., Holtzworth-Munroe, A., Johnston, J., Pedro-Carroll, A., Kline Pruett, M., Saini, M., & Sandler, I. (2016). “Bending” evidence for a cause: Scholar advocacy bias in family law. Family Court Review. 54(2), 134-149.
- Sandler, I., Saini, M., Kline Pruett, M., Pedro-Carroll, J., Johnston, J.J., Holtzworth-Munroe, A., & Emery, R.E. (2016). Convenient and inconvenient truths in family law: Preventing advocacy bias in the use of social science research for public policy. Family Court Review. 54(2), 150-166.
- Saini, M., Stoddart, K., & Morris, R. (2015). Review of parenting decisions in Canadian family courts involving children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Eight salient themes for the family law professional. Canadian Family Law Quarterly, 34(3), 335-372.
- Cargo, M., Stankov, I., Thomas, J., Saini, M., Rogers, P., Mayo-Wilson, E., & Hannes, K. (2015). Development, inter-rater reliability and feasibility of a checklist to assess implementation (Ch-IMP) in systematic reviews of complex interventions. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 15(1), 73.
- Saini, M., Stoddart, K.P., Morris, R., Gibson, M., Morris, R., Barrett, D., Muskat, B., Nicholas, D., Rampton, G., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2015). Couple relationships among parents of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: Findings from a scoping review of the literature. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 17, 142-157.
- Saini, M., Birnbaum, R. (2015). Raising the bar: A risk assessment checklist when supervised access is being considered in child custody disputes. Canadian Family Law Quarterly. 34(3), 373-400.
- Saini, M. & Birnbaum, R. (2015). The supervised visitation checklist: Validation with lawyers, mental health professionals, and judges. Family Law Quarterly, 49(3),449-476.
- Saini, M., Allan-Ebron, D. & Barnes, J. (2015). A critical review of relocation research specific to separation and divorce. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 56(2), 388-408. DOI:10.1080/10502556.2015.1046797
- Polak, S. & Saini, M. (2015). Children resisting contact with a parent post-separation: Assessing this phenomenon using an ecological systems framework. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 56(3), 220-247.
- Birnbaum, R. & Saini, M. (2015). A qualitative synthesis of children’s experiences of shared care post-divorce. International Journal of Children’s Rights, 23, 109-132.
- Saini, M. & Polak, S. (2014). The ecological validity of parent-child observation visits in custody evaluations. Journal of Child Custody, 11(3), 181-201.
- Bejan, R., Craig, S., & Saini, M. (2014) I love my job but.....A portrait of Canadian social workers’ occupational conditions. Canadian Social Work Journal. 16(1). 23-45.
- Manassis, K., Changgun Lee, T., Bennett, K., Yan Zhao, X., Duda, S., Saini, M., Wilansky-Traynor, P., Baer, S, Barrett, P., Bodden D., Cobham, V., Dadds, M., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Ginsburg, G., Heyne, D., Hudson, J., Kendall, P., Liber, J., Warner, M., Mendlowitz, S., Nauta, M., Rapee, R., Silverman, W., Siqueland, L., Spence, S., Utens, E., Wood, J. (2014) Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 82(6), 1163-1172.
- Saini, M., Mishna, F., Barnes, J., Polak, S. (2013). Parenting online: Virtual parenting time in the context of separation and divorce. Journal of Child Custody, 10(2), 120-140. DOI:10.1080/15379418.2013.796265
- Birnbaum, R., Saini, M., McCleary, L., Hurwitz, H. (2013). A community-based response for addressing the needs of high conflict families. Journal of the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies. 58(1), 15-27.
- Quinn, A. & Saini, M. (2013). Authentic youth engagement in social work services. Journal of the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies, 58(1), 10-14.
- Saini, M., Black, T., Fallon, B., & Marshall, A. (2013). Child custody disputes within the context of child protection investigations: Secondary analysis of the Canadian Incident Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Child Welfare, 92(1), 115,137.
- Saini, M. & Barnes, J. (2013). A 50-year scoping review of Family Court Review: An analysis of the journal's core values. Family Court Review, 51(1), 74-86.
- Regehr, C., Alaggia, R., Denise, J., Pitts, A., & Saini, M. (2013) Interventions to reduce distress in adult victims of sexual violence and rape: A systematic review. Research for Social Work Practice. 23(3), 255-263. DOI: 10.1177/1049731512474103
- Birnbaum, R. & Saini, M. (2012). A scoping review of qualitative studies on the voice of the child in child custody disputes. Childhood. 20(2), 260-282. DOI: 10.1177/0907568212454148
- Saini, M., Black, T., Lwin, K., Marshall, A., Fallon, B., Goodman, D. (2012). Child protection workers’ experiences of working with high conflict families. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(7), 1309-1316. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.03.005
- Birnbaum, R. & Saini, M. (2012). A qualitative synthesis of children’s participation in custody disputes. Research for Social Work Practice. 22(4), 400-409. DOI: 10.1177/1049731512442985
- Saini, M. (2012). Reconceptualizing high-conflict divorce as a maladaptive adult attachment response.Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 93(3), 173-180. DOI: 10.1606/1044-3894.4218
- Bogossian, A., Lach, L.M., Nicholas, D., McNeill, T., & Saini, M. (2012). Integrating qualitative research on the experience of fathers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 11(5), 851-852.
- Bogossian, A., Lach, L. M., & Saini, M. (2012). Environmental factors: support and relationships. Clinics in Developmental Medicine, (194), 455.
- Saini, M. (2012). Methods for conducting qualitative synthesis: Aggregating, integrating and interpreting islands of exploratory data. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 11(5), 746-746.
- Saini, M., Van Wert, M., Gofman, J. (2011). Parent-child supervised visitation within child welfare and custody dispute contexts: An exploratory comparison of two distinct models of practice. Children and Youth Services Review. 34(1), 163-168. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.09.011
- Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., Clarke, M., Roberts, W., Magill-Evans, J., Saini, M., Lach, L., McCuuloch, R., Barrett, D., & Spoelestra, M. (2011). Synthesis Review of Qualitative Studies in Autism. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 10(4), 506-506.
- Cimino, T., Lach, L., Mechan, K. Saini, M., Nimigon, J., MNeill, T., Nicholas, D., & Rosenbaum, T. (2011). Quality of abstracts in the context of a systematic review on parenting of children with chronic health conditions and disabilities. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 8(4), 369-78. DOI: 10.1080/15433714.2010.531228.
- Mishna, F., Cook, C., Saini, M., Wu, M-J., MacFadden, R., (2011). Interventions to Prevent and Reduce Cyber Abuse of Youth: A Sys