Benjamin Porat is a Professor of law and the Director of the Matz Institute for Research in Jewish Law, at the Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Porat was a Gruss Professor of Talmudic Law at Penn Law School. He completed his PhD at the Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University (LL.D. summa cum laude). After completing his doctorate in 2010, he was a Halbert Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto. Prof. Porat focuses on the areas of theory of Jewish law, contract law, and distributive justice. Prof. Porat is the editor of Shenaton ha’Mishpat ha’Ivri and a co-editor of the Jewish Law Annual. His works have appeared in numerous publications including University of Toronto Law Journal, American Journal of Comparative Law, Columbia Journal of Gender and Law. Recently he published his new book, entitled "Justice for the Poor: The Principles of Welfare Regulations from Biblical Law to Rabbinic Literature" (Hebrew). Prof. Porat teaches variety of topics in Jewish Law, including Contracts, Theory of Private Law, Jurisprudence, Welfare Regulations, and Methods of Research.