Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 12:30pm to 2:00pm
CG 265, Canadiana Gallery, 14 Queen's Park Crescent West, 2nd floor, Toronto, ON M5S 3K9

Prior to the seminar, join us for a light lunch from noon to 12:30 pm in our Lounge just down the hall from CG 265.

This is a free event and all are welcome, however, space is limited and registration is requiredPlease indicate your lunch RSVP for catering purposes when you register.


Since the #MeToo movement of 2017, it has become more common for high profile victims of sexual and gendered violence to disclose alleged abuse in media. Recent notable cases include Amber Heard (who accused Johnny Depp) and Evan Rachel Woods (who made a documentary film about her abuse at the hands of Marilyn Manson). In this talk, I discuss the shifting logic of discourse and power that has led people, primarily women, to increasingly disclose through media. I describe some of the unintended consequences of the clash of media logic (Altheide and Snow, 1979) and "criminal-legal logic" for victims whose cases come to trial, and how public reaction to high profile cases in media may obscure the everyday realities of sexual violence and disincentivize victims who are not celebrities from disclosure.

About Professor Stacey Hannem

Stacey Hannem is Professor of Criminology and Cultural Analysis and Social Theory at Wilfrid Laurier University and was named 2024 Laurier Research Professor. Dr. Hannem’s research focuses on gender, marginalization, and structural stigma in the criminal-legal system; substantively, Hannem has researched and published on sex work, sexual and gendered violence, and the impact of crime and incarceration on families. Her most recent co-authored book (with Christopher J. Schneider), Defining Sexual Misconduct: Power, Media, and #MeToo (URegina Press, 2022) was awarded the 2024 Distinguished Book Award by the Midwest Sociological Society and was named on the Hill Times’ “Best Books of 2022” list.


Please note that our Centre Lounge and CG 265 seminar room are on the second floor of the Canadiana Gallery building, with stair access only as there is no elevator. If you have any access needs or if there are any ways we can support your participation in this session, please email and we will be glad to work with you to make the appropriate arrangements.

Register now

The 2024-25 CrimSL Speaker Series Schedule

  • September 18, 2024 – Professor Stacey Hannem, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • October 23, 2024 – Samantha J. Simon, University of Arizona
  • November 27, 2024 – Harold Lovell, Antigua and Barbuda (4-6 pm, OISE Nexus Lounge)
  • January 22, 2025 – Professor Katharina Maier, University of Winnipeg
  • February 26, 2025 – Professor Leon Kosals, University of Toronto
  • March 19, 2025 – Professor David Milward, University of Victoria

All talks will take place on Mondays, from 12:30 to 2 pm in CG 265 (unless otherwise indicated) and will be preceded by a light lunch from noon to 12:30 pm in the Centre Lounge.