Instructor(s): Supervising Professor

Thesis Intensive LLM candidates must write a thesis under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. During the course selection process, thesis intensive students must enroll in the LLM Thesis during each term of their studies. Between the credit limits allowed (minimum of 4 and maximum of 16 credits per thesis), the credit amount and number of pages required for the thesis is to be determined by the Supervising Professor and the Associate Dean.

Coursework intensive LLM students SHOULD NOT enroll in the Thesis.

For general guidance regarding credits, number of words and deadlines, see:

The thesis will be graded by the faculty supervisor on the Graduate Grading Scale.
Credit note
Minimum credit per term 2; maximum credit per term 8
Academic year
2024 - 2025

At a Glance

Both Terms



40 LLM