Instructor(s): Albert Yoon

Note: This course is also known as Legal Ethics. 

Note: This course satisfies the "Legal Ethics" graduation requirement.

The legal profession is fascinating – it animates much of my own research – and my aspiration for our class is for you to share in my enthusiasm. The legal profession, for all its complexity, is one of the least understood labor markets. Much of how lawyers practice on a daily basis– irrespective of their area of specialization –is unobservable to clients, to regulators, even to one another. This opacity makes ethical issues challenging, but also limits our understanding of the profession more broadly.  

Over the semester we will spend time exploring select ethical rules (e.g., conflicts of interest, confidentiality and privilege) and also how the legal profession works, examining different types of practice (e.g., large law firms; public interest; government), the training of lawyers (e.g., law school, clerkships), and their regulation (e.g., disciplinary committees, procedural rules). In many instances, the ethical challenges play out differently across different practice settings and areas of law. Throughout the term guest speakers will provide their unique perspectives.  

Our learning outcomes for the class: 

  • To know and effectively apply core rules that govern how lawyers practice; 

  • To think critically about professional and ethical responsibilities that arise across different practice environments; 

  • To better understand the diverse facets of the legal profession. 

Your grade in this class will be based on two parts. Class participation will account for 10% of your mark, reflecting timely completion of the weekly written assignments will be under 100 words each and participation during class (which is not tantamount to “talking a lot,” but reflecting active and thoughtful engagement). A two-hour, open book, in-class final exam will account for the remaining 90% of your grade.
Academic year
2024 - 2025

At a Glance

First Term



63 JD


M: 2:10 - 4:00 pm