Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Tort Moot is a trilateral partnership between all eight Ontario law schools, the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Insurance Law Section, and volunteers from the bar and bench, the “Tort Moot” is designed to promote advocacy and excellence in the fields of tort, insurance and health law.

Congratulations to JD students Katherine Shackleton (2L) and Amanda Kennedy (2L), who were awarded the Best Factum prize, with The Lerners Scholarship for best factum going to Shackleton and the McCarthy Tétrault Scholarship for best factum awarded to Kennedy.

They were coached by Adjunct Moot Advisor, Christopher McKenna, a litigator with Bennet Jones litigator.

In appreciation of the honourable justices that took part in the competition, the Tort Moot Committee will donate to Lawyers Feed the Hungry.

Shackleton and Kennedy will be recognized at an awards reception hosted by Howie Sacks and Henry LLP on May 1.