“The West wants in” was often repeated by Prime Minister Stephen Harper during his years in opposition. A principal Western Canadian grievance has been the under- representation of Western Canada in the federal House of Commons. Alberta and British Columbia continue to attract immigrants and migrants from the rest of Canada and to grow in size relative to the rest of the country. But, the argument goes, the number of Members of Parliament they send to Ottawa has not kept pace with new demographic realities.
However, the situation is far more complex that that. The Conservative Party platform promises to address the under- representation of not only Alberta and British Columbia, but also Ontario, with good reason. Actually, it is Ontario that is vastly under-represented in the House of Commons.
Let’s look at some numbers. The current House of Commons has 308 members. Strictly on the basis of representation by population, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario should have 31, 40 and 117 MPs respectively. However, the actual figures are 28, 36 and 106. In other words, these provinces are 18 MPs short.