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Articles and Book Chapters
"Legal Reform to Enhance Global Text and Data Mining Research", 378 Science 951 (Dec 2022) (with Sean M. Fiil-Flynn, Brandon Butler, Michael Carroll, Or Cohen-Sasson, Carys Craig, Lucie Guibault, Peter Jaszi, Bernd Justin Jütte, João Pedro Quintais, Thomas Margoni, Allan Rocha de Souza, Matthew Sag, Rachael Samberg, Luca Schirru, Martin Senftleben, Ofer Tur-Sinai, Jorge L. Contreras)
"Who Killed the Radio Star? How Music Blanket Licenses Distort the Production of Creative Content", 71 Am U L Rev 111 (2021) (with Eden Sarid)
"Competition Policy in Copyright Law", in Competition Policy and Intellectual Property in Today’s Global Economy 423 (Robert D Anderson, Nunu Pires de Carvalho, and Antony Taubman eds, Cambridge University Press, 2021)
"Debunking the Fair Use vs Fair Dealing Myth: Have We Had Fair Use All Along?" in The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions in Comparative Perspective 111 (Shyamkrishna Balganesh, Wee Loon Ng-Loy & Haochen Sun eds, Cambridge University Press, 2021)
"The Chicago School and the Forgotten Political Dimension of Antitrust Law", 87 U Chi L Rev 413 (2020)
"Data Libera? Canada’s Data Strategy and the Law of the Sea", in Data Governance in the Digital Age, A CIGI Essay Series, 100-106 (Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2018)
"No Time for Tinkering: How a 'more progressive' NAFTA could break the vicious circle of global inequities in the ownership of knowledge", in NAFTA 2.0 and Intellectual Property Rights Insights on Developing Canada’s Knowledge Economy, Special Report, 3-6 (Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2017)
"Copyright, Exhaustion, and the Role of Libraries in the Ecosystem of Knowledge", 13 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society (2017)
"The Interaction of Exhaustion and the General Law: A Reply to Duffy and Hynes" (with Aaron Perzanowksi and Guy Rub), 102 Virginia Law Review Online 8 (2016)
"Intellectual Property, Antitrust, and the Rule of Law: Between Private Power and State Power", 17 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 633 (2016)
"The Economic Rationale of Exhaustion: Distribution and Post-Sale Restraints", in Research Handbook on IP Exhaustion and Parallel Imports 23 (Irene Calboli & Edward Lee, eds.) (2016)
"Digital Exhaustion: North American Observations", in Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce 137 (John A. Rothchild, ed.) (2016)
"Spectre: Canadian Copyright and the Mandatory Tariff - Part I", 27 IPJ 151 (2015)
"Spectre: Canadian Copyright and the Mandatory Tariff - Part II", 28 IPJ 39 (2015)
"The First Sale Doctrine and the Economics of Post Sale Restraints", 2014 BYU L. Rev. 55 (2014)
"Beyond Refusal to Deal: A Cross-Atlantic View of Copyright, Competition and Innovation Policies" (2013) 79(1) Antitrust Law Journal 139 (with Paul-Erik Veel).
"Copyright and Competition Policy", in Handbook of the Digital Creative Economy (Ruth Towse and Christian Handke, eds.) (Edward Elgar, 2013)
“Fair Use 2.0: The Rebirth of Fair Dealing in Canada”, in Michael Geist, ed., The Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law, pp. 93-156 (Ottawa, ON: Ottawa University Press, 2013).
“The Orphans, The Market, and the Copyright Dogma: A Modest Solution to a Grand Problem” (2012) 27(3) Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 1285-1346.
"Beyond Search Costs: The Linguistic and Trust Functions of Trademarks" 2010 BYU Law Review 1555 (2010).
"Copyright Collectives: Good Solution, But For Which Problem?", in Working Within the Boundaries of Intellectual Property (R. Dreyfuss, H. First & D. Zimmerman, eds.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
"Commentary: Is Collective Administration of Copyrights Justified by the Economic Literature?" in Intellectual Property and Competition Law (M. Boyer, M.J. Trebilcock & D. Vaver, eds.) (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2009).
"Substitution and Schumpeterian Effects Over the Life Cycle of Copyrighted Works" (2009) 49 Jurimetrics J. 113.
"Pharmaceutical Lemons: Innovation and Regulation in the Drug Industry" (2007) 14 Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review 1.
"Making Sense of Nonsense: Intellectual Property, Antitrust, and Market Power" (2007) 49 Arizona Law Review 837.
"Monopoly and Competition in the Collective Administration of Public Performance Rights" (2006) 2 Haifa Law Review 551 (in Hebrew).
"The Potential Demise of another Natural Monopoly: New Technologies and the Administration of Performing Rights" (2006) 2(2) Journal of Competition Law & Economics 245.
"The Potential Demise of Another Natural Monopoly: Rethinking the Collective Administration of Performing Rights" (2005) 1(3) Journal of Competition Law & Economics 541.
"A Network Effects Perspective on Software Piracy" (2005) 55 University of Toronto Law Journal 155.
Op-ed. 2016, The Globe and Mail. "CETA could put Canada between a rock and constitutional hard places."
Op-ed. 2015, The Toronto Star. "TPP trades away our constitutional rights."
"The Collective Administration of Performing Rights", Innovate Magazine, Spring 2006.
"Piracy: Why is So Little Done to Stop it?", Innovate Magazine, Spring 2004.
"Beat the Press" Published in "Haaretz" daily newspaper, 6 December 2002 (Hebrew).
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