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Picking Up The Slack: Law, Institutions and Canadian Climate Policy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2022).

Commitment and Cooperation on High Courts: A Cross-Country Examination of Institutional Constraints on Judges (with Ben Alarie) ((forthcoming 2017) Oxford University Press).

Reconciling Trade and Climate: How the WTO Can Help Address Climate Change (with T. Epps) (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar) [forthcoming].

A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada (with S. Bernstein, J. Brunnee & D. Duff) (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008). (view abstract)

Articles and Book Chapters

"How Important are the Groundbreaking Cases in Administrative Law?” (2023) 73(4) University of Toronto Law Journal 426

“Delegation and Consultation: How the Administrative State Functions” in Colleen Flood and Paul Daly, eds., Administrative Law in Context (4th) (Toronto: Emond Publishing, 2021)

"Judicial Influence on the Duty to Consult and Accommodate" (2020) 56(3) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 529.

“Settlements in Securities Enforcement: Evidence from Canada” (with Anita Anand) (2018) 55 International Review of Law and Economics 41-57.

“A Rose by Any Other Name: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding Judicial Decisions That Do Not Cite Precedent” (with Kawin Ethayarajh and Albert Yoon) (2018) 15(3)  Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 563-596.

“Quantitative Analysis of Judicial Voting” (with Ben Alarie) for Malcolm Langford and David Law, eds., Handbook on Research Methods in Constitutional Law (Edward Elgar) (forthcoming).

“The Search for a Simpler Test: Dunsmuir and Categories” (2018) Journal of Administrative Law & Practice (Special Issue) 55.

“On Thin Ice: Meeting Canada’s Paris Climate Commitments” (2018) 32(1) Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 99.

“Delegation and Consultation: How the Administrative State Functions” (2017) in Colleen Flood and Lorne Sossin, eds., Administrative Law in Context (3d) (Toronto: Emond Publishing).

“Triaging the Law: Developing the Common Law on the Supreme Court of India” (with Albert Yoon) (2017) Journal of Empirical Legal Studies.

“An Enormous Systemic Problem”: Delegation, Responsibility and Federal Environmental Law” (2016) 28(2) Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 155

“Panel Selection on High Courts” (with Ben Alarie and Ed Iacobucci) (2015) 65(4) University of Toronto Law Journal 335

“Policy Preferences and Expertise in Canadian Tax Adjudication” (with Ben Alarie) (forthcoming) Canadian Tax Journal.

“The Prospect of Gaming on High Courts” (with Ben Alarie and Ed Iacobucci) (forthcoming) University of Toronto Law Journal.

“Can There Be Too Much Context In Administrative Law? Setting the Standard of Review in Canadian Administrative Law” (forthcoming) University of British Columbia Law Review.

"Trade Rules, Dispute Settlement and Barriers to Regional Cooperation" in Neil Craik, Debora VanNijnatten and Isabel Studor, eds., Designing Integration: Regional Governance in Climate Change in North America. [forthcoming]

“The Enduring Problem of WTO Export Subsidies” (with Michael Trebilcock) in K. Bagwell and P. Mavroidis, eds., Contingent Protection: A Law and Economics Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

“Regulating Financial Services: The Value of Opacity” (with Anita Anand) (2012) 57(3) McGill Law Journal 399.

"Effectiveness, Accountability and Bias: Some Concerns about a Quasi-National Securities Regulator" in Anita Anand, ed., What Next for Canada? Securities Regulation after the Reference (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2012).

"Interventions at the Supreme Court of Canada: Accuracy, Affiliation and Acceptance" (with Ben Alarie) (2011) 48(3) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 381.

"Side-Payments, Opt-ins and Power: Creating a National Securities Regulator in Canada" (with Anita Anand) (2011) 51(1) Canadian Business Law Journal 1-26. 

"Why is This Taking So Long? The Move Towards a National Securities Regulator" (with Anita Anand) (2010) 62:2 University of Toronto Law Journal.

"Carbon Pricing, the WTO and the Canadian Constitution" in Thomas J. Courchene and John R. Allan, eds., Canada: The State of the Federation 2009 -- Carbon Pricing and Environmental Federalism (Montreal and Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010) pp. 197-217.

"Charter Decisions in the McLachlin Era: Consensus and Ideology at the Supreme Court of Canada" (with Ben Alarie) (2009) 47 Supreme Court Law Review 475-511.

"Policy Preference Change and Appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada" (with Ben Alarie) (2009) 47(1) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 1-46.

"Is There a Role for Trade Sanctions in Addressing Climate Change" (with Tracey Epps) (2008) 15(1) University of California Davis Journal of International Law and Policy 1-30.

“Regulations and Rule-Making: The Dilemma of Delegation” in Colleen Flood & Lorne Sossin, eds., Administrative Law in Context (Emond Montgomery, 2008), 2nd Edition (2013).

“Market-Based Policies for Renewable Energy: A Comparative Evaluation” (with David Duff) in Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives, vol. 5  (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). (view abstract)

“Self-Control, Individual Choice and Climate Change” (2008) 26(1) Virginia Environmental Law Review 77.

Introduction” (with S. Bernstein, J. Brunnee & D. Duff) in S. Bernstein, J. Brunnee, D. Duff & A. Green, eds., A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008).

Bringing Institutions and Individuals into a Climate Policy for Canada” in S. Bernstein, J. Brunnee, D. Duff & A. Green, eds., A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008).

A Comparative Evaluation of Different Policies to Promote the Generation of Electricity from Renewable Sources” (with David Duff) in S. Bernstein, J. Brunnee, D. Duff & A. Green, eds., A Globally Integrated Climate Policy for Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008). (view abstract)

"Should They All Just Get Along? Judicial Ideology, Collegiality, and Appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada" (with Benjamin Alarie) (March 2008) U Toronto, Legal Studies Research Paper No. 08-05.

"Wind Power in Canada" (with David Duff) in K. Deketelaere, J. Milne, L. Kreiser & H. Ashiabor, eds.,  Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives, vol. 4 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). (view abstract)

Enforcing WTO Obligations: What Can We Learn from Export Subsidies?” (with Michael Trebilcock) (2007) 10(3) Journal of International Economic Law 653.

The WTO, Science and the Environment: Moving Towards Consistency” (with Tracey Epps) (2007) 10(2) Journal of International Economic Law 285.

"The Reasonable Justice: An Empirical Analysis of Justice Frank Iacobucci's Career on the Supreme Court of Canada" (with Benjamin Alarie) (2007) 57 University of Toronto Law Journal 195.

"Creating Environmentalists: Environmental Law, Identity and Commitment" (2006) 17(1) Journal of Environmental Law and Practice1.

"Trade Rules and Climate Change Subsidies" (2006) 5(3) World Trade Review 1. 

"You Can't Pay Them Enough: Subsidies, Environmental Law and Social Norms" (2006) 30(2) Harvard Environmental Law Review.

"Climate Change, Domestic Regulatory Policy and the WTO: How Constraining Are Trade Rules?" (2005) 8(1) Journal of International Economic Law 143. 

"Equality of Opportunity and University Education" in Frank Iacobucci & Carolyn Tuohy, eds., Taking Public Universities Seriously (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005).

"Public Funding, Markets and Quality: Assessing the Role of Market-Based Performance Funding for Universities" (with Edward Iacobucci) in Frank Iacobucci & Carolyn Tuohy, eds., Taking Public Universities Seriously (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005).

"Discretion, Judicial Review and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act" (2002) 27(2) Queen's Law Journal 785.

"Public Participation, Federalism and Environmental Law" (1999) 6(2) Buffalo Environmental Law Journal 169. 

"Appletex: "Fairness" and the Protection of the Environment" (1996) 6(3) Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 303.

Titled Book Reviews and Case Comments

"Norms, Institutions and the Environment" Book Review of D. Boyd, Unnatural Law: Rethinking Canadian Environmental Law and Policy by D. Boyd and The Philosophical Foundations of Environmental Law: Property, Rights and Nature by S. Coyle & K. Morrow, University of Toronto Law Journal [forthcoming].

"Limiting Fairness to Protect the Environment: Imperial Oil v. Quebec (Minister of the Environment", Case Comment, (2003) 6(4) Regulatory Boards and Administrative Law Litigation 382.

Public Policy Research Papers

"The Eco-Fee Imbroglio: Lessons from Ontario's Troubled Experiment in Charging for Waste Management" (with Michael Trebilcock) CD Howe Institute, Commentary No. 316 (December 2010). 

"Self-Regulation and the Protection of the Public Interest" (with Roy Hrab) (Research Paper 26, Ontario Panel on the Role of Government, June 2003).

"The Equal Opportunity Society: Determining the Role of Government" (Research Paper 34, Ontario Panel on the Role of Government, February 2003).

"Incentives, Public Goals and Environmental Contracts" (Research Paper 27, Ontario Panel on the Role of Government, September 2002).

"The Evolution of Government as Risk Manager in Canada" (Research Paper 4, Ontario Panel on the Role of Government, August 2002).

"Institutional Structures and Policy Outcomes: The Americanization of Environmental Regulation in Canada" (Centre for Study of State and Market (University of Toronto Faculty of Law), Working Paper 26-1997).

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