The law school is proud of all its graduates and is enriched by their many different career choices. Our graduates feature prominently both in and outside the legal profession and are leading figures in judicial, political and academic circles in Canada and internationally.

Our students enjoy an excellent success rate in securing summer positions with Canadian law firms, including full-service firms, boutique firms, government agencies, and other organizations. Each year, 94% or more of graduating students seeking an articling position have secured one by June.


2018-2024 Recent Graduate Articling and Other Employment Data

University of Toronto Post-Graduate Employment
 Class of 2024Class of 2023Class of 2022Class of 2021Class of 2020Class of 2019Class of 2018
Total Graduates211229212211 197220 214
Positions Secured at Graduation200217199199188205 196
Seeking Positions at Graduation1006 5 23
Other Plans (e.g. further study, non-legal employment)064310
No response106946 5
Employment Types of Employed Graduates
 Class of 2024Class of 2023Class of 2022Class of 2021Class of 2020Class of 2019Class of 2018
Clerkship7.0%5.5%5.0%4.6% 5%5% 7% 
Government and Public Interest12.0%11.0%11.0%11.2% 11% 14%12.75% 
Private Practice81.0%83.0%83.5%84.2% 84%79.5% 80.1% 
Law Practice Program**-0.5%0.5%- - 1.5% 0.5%


Practice Areas of Employed Graduates
 Class of 2024Class of 2023Class of 2022Class of 2021Class of 2020Class of 2019Class of 2018
Clerkship7.5%5.5%5.0%4.6%5%  5% 7%
Government and Public Interest11.5%11%11.0%11.2% 11% 14% 12.75%
Private Practice
In-house Counsel2%2%1.0%1.5% 1%1%  1.5%
Full Service Firm57%58.5%60.0%62.8% 57.4%57%53.5%
Aboriginal / Indigenous0%0.5%-- -- -
Business0%2.5%-2.1% 1.5%4% 0.5%
Criminal1%0.5%3.5%2.6% 1.5%2%3.2%
Family0.5%1.0%3.0%1% 2.1% 2%1.6%
Immigration1%1.0%0.5%0.5% 1.5% 1.5% -
Intellectual Property2%1.0%2.0%2% 3% 2% 3.1%
Labour and Employment3.5%4.0%5.0%4.6%3% 4% 5.5%
Litigation7%5.5%8.5%5.1% 7% 3% 3.1%
Real Estate0.5%-1.0%- - 0.5% -
Tax0.5%1.5%2.0% 0.5%3% 1.5% 1%
Other Practice Area 6%4.5%1.0%1.5% 3% 1% -
Law Practice Program-0.5%0.5%- - 1.5% 0.5%
Geographic Destinations of University of Toronto Law Graduates
 Class of 2024Class of 2023Class of 2022Class of 2021Class of 2020Class of 2019Class of 2018
Alberta0%2.5%1.5%1.5% 3%1% 3.1%
British Columbia2%3.0%4.5%4.1% 2.5% 1.5%4.6%
Toronto75%67%71.6%73.7% 78.5%84% 77.6%
Ottawa2%2%3.5%2.5% 3%2% 1.5%
Other 3%5%2.0%4.1% 1.5%3% 1%
New York City17%18%16.4%13.6% 9.5%8% 8.7%
Other1%2.5%0.5%0.5% 2%0.5% 1%

*The vast majority of student responses were obtained prior to graduation. To maximize response rates, the Career Development Office sought responses from non-responders for a sustained period after graduation.

**The Law Practice Program (LPP) was introduced by the Law Society of Ontario in September 2014 as an alternative to the traditional articling program. Students who selected the LPP are included in the post-graduate employment statistics as “other” rather than “position secured”; however, for clarity, they are listed in Employment Types and Practice Areas tables.

2018-2024 2L Summer Employment Data

University of Toronto 2L Summer Employment Data
 Summer 2024 Summer 2023Summer 2022Summer 2021Summer 2020Summer 2019Summer 2018
Total Number of Students Finishing 2nd Year Law229218228226217  198 228
Number of Students with Summer Employment Plans Confirmed216204    (100%)*216    (99%)*218    (99%)*199
Number of Students with Other Confirmed Plans**0005
No response13141011 5 8
No position at time of data collection0022 5 14

* Percentage based on number of students who responded.

** Other includes travel, study, volunteering and non-employment related data.


Employment Types of Employed Students (Among Respondents)
 Summer 2024Summer 2023Summer 2022Summer 2021Summer 2020Summer 2019Summer 2018
Faculty7%4%5%12% 14% 7.5%10.4%
Government8%7%8%7% 9% 9%9.95%
Private Practice78%81%75%70% 71% 78%73.5%
Public Interest and Other*7%8%12%11% 6% 6%6.5%

*Other includes in-house and non-legal summer employment .