Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Newly minted law graduate Arina Ilona Joanisse received her JD with Honours.

By Lucianna Ciccocioppo

More than 200 graduates of the Faculty of Law were lucky enough to have an honorary degree recipient and commencement address like no other at their June 7 convocation ceremony.

Murray Edwards, LLB 1983, co-founder of Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.,  business innovator, extraordinary philanthropist—and Calgary Flames owner—accepted his Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, from his alma mater, but wanted to ensure the grads paid attention to his talk.

After all, according to a recent Globe and Mail feature, which he pulled out, nobody remembers who spoke at their graduation, or what the message was, he said to nervous laughter in Convocation Hall.

Murray Edwards receives honorary degreeSo Dr. Edwards made a deal: at the end of his speech, he would give out his email address and the first  three grads who remembered the three key points of his talk would receive tickets to a Calgary Flames/Toronto Maple Leafs game. He would also make a donation to the charity of their choice.

There was more laughter, and a noticeable improvement in peoples’ posture, as grads from the Faculty of Law, and also Munk School of Global Affairs, perked up in their seats, with mobiles ready, and email apps open.

After an introduction by alumnus Jim Hinds, chair of the Ontario Power Authority, Edward stressed the importance of hard work, finding a path, and taking risks. He referred to his three P’s: people (collaboration and teamwork is essential in today’s global environment), passion (you have to love what you do, whether you stay in law or pursue other paths) and planning (have a business plan, prepare to fail, then make another plan).

Despite the cloudy skies, the rain held off and the new law grads celebrated with family and friends outside Con Hall with a flurry of photo-taking. The celebration continued later at the Faculty of Law lunch on the back lawn. The teaching and academic awards were announced, and Lane Krainyk gave the valedictory speech.

And congrats to the hockey ticket winners: Ginger Ellison, JD/MBA 2013, Khrystina McMillan, JD 2013, and Jamie Rosenblatt, JD/MBA 2013.

Photos: Jeff Kirk

View our graduation photo gallery.

Watch the Faculty of Law lunch coverage.

Read more about Dr. Murray Edwards.

View the convocation webcast. (Scroll down on the right-hand side)