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Cook, R. J., ed., Frontiers of Gender Equality: Transnational Legal Perspectives, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023. Publisher’s webpageTable of Contents with abstracts.

(with J.N. Erdman and B.M. Dickens) eds. Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014), 472 pp. Publisher's webpage.   Table of Contents with abstracts.

  • Spanish edition: El aborto en el derecho transnacional: Casos y controversias (Mexico, FCE, 2016), 507pp.

(with S. Cusack)  eds. Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010), 270 pp. Publisher's webpage.

  • Spanish edition: (Bogota, Colombia: Profamilia 2011), 291 pp.  Spanish edition online.

  • Chapter 2 (“Naming Gender Stereotyping) excerpted in Julie Goldscheid, ed., Gender and Equality Law (Ashgate, 2013).

(With C. Ngwena) eds. Health and Human Rights, International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law series (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2007)   Overview, Table of Contents and abstracts.

(With L.M. Kelly.) Polygyny and Canada's Obligations under International Human Rights Law (Ottawa: Department of Justice of Canada, 2006), 132 pp. 

(With Dickens, B.M., E. Kismodi.) Reproductive Health: Case Studies with Ethical Commentary (Haifa, Israel: UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, 2006), 71 pp.

(With B.M. Dickens & M.F. Fathalla.) Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 554 pp.

  • Updates to English edition
  • Revised Spanish edition: Salud Reproductiva y Derechos Humanos: Integraci de la medicina, la etica y el derecho (Bogota, Colombia: Profamilia, 2003), 605 pp.;
  • Revised Portuguese edition: Saùde reprodutiva e Direitos Humanos: Integrando Medicina, etica e Direito (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Cepia, 2004), 578 pp.;
  • Revised French edition: Santé de la reproduction et droits humains : Intégrer la médecine, l’éthique et le droit (Paris: Masson, 2005), 557 pp.; Updates
  • Chinese edition: [Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law] (Beijing: National Population and Family Planning Commission of China, 2005), 511 pp.;
  • Arabic edition: [Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics and Law] (Cairo, Egypt: Egyptian Fertility Care Foundation, 2008).

(With Dickens, B.M., Wilson, A., Scarrow, S.) Advancing Safe Motherhood through
Human Rights
, World Health Organization, (2001).

  • Portuguese edition: Promovendo a Maternidade Segura Atraves dos Direitos Humanos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Cepia; Geneva: World Health Organization, 2003), 200 pp.

(With Dickens, B.M.) Considerations for Formulating Reproductive Health
Laws: A Discussion Paper
2nd ed. (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2000)
Revised and updated from 1st edition, (1998).

(With Jejeebhoy, S., Mundigo, A., Adeokun, L., Correa, S. and Danguilan, M.) The Ford Foundation's Reproductive Health and Population Program: A Five Year Review, (New York: Ford Foundation, 1996).

The Elimination of Sexual Apartheid: Prospects for the Fourth World Conference on Women (Washington, D.C.: American Society of International Law, 1995)

(Editor) Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives (Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994).

Spanish edition: Derechos Humanos de La Mujer: Perspectivas Nacionales e Internacionales (Bogota, Colombia: Profamilia, 1997). Translation into Chinese forthcoming (Chinese Encyclopedia Publishing House and University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998).]

Women's Health and Human Rights (Geneva, Switz.: World Health Organization, 1994) [Revised and updated from Human Rights in Relation to Women's Health: Promotion and Protection of Women's Health Through International Human Rights Law (Geneva, Switz.: World Health Organization, 1993).

Spanish edition : La salud de la mujer y los derechos humanos (Washington, D.C.: La sante des femmes et les droits de l’individu (Geneva: Organisation Mondiale de la Sante, 1995).]

(With Dickens, B.M.) Issues in Reproductive Health Law in the Commonwealth (London, U.K.: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1986).

(With Dickens, B.M.) Emerging Issues in Commonwealth Abortion Laws 1982 (London, U.K.: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1983).

(With Schearer, S.B. and Strand, J.) Contraceptives and Drug Regulation: An International Perspective (Seattle, Wa.: Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology, 1982).

(With Senanayake, P.) (eds.), The Human Problem of Abortion: the Medical and Legal Dimensions (London, U.K.: International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1979).

(With Dickens, B.M) Abortion Laws in Commonwealth Countries (Geneva, Switz.: World Health Organization, 1979) [Revised and updated from "A Survey of Abortion Laws in Commonwealth Countries" in Three Studies of Abortion Laws in the Commonwealth, (London, U.K.: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1977).]

(With Bergman, E., Carter, D.N. et al.) (eds.), Population Policy Making in the American States (Boston, Ma: D.C. Heath; Politics and Population Series, 1974).

Journal Articles and Chapters in books

Cook, R.J. and B.M. Dickens, “Abortion,” in Jan M. Smits, Jaakko Husa, Catherine Valcke, Madalena Barreto Torres de Mendonca Narciso eds., Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, 3 ed. 2023. Encyclopedia entry online.

Ngwena, C. G. and R. J. Cook, “Restoring Mai Mapingure’s Equal Citizenship,” in Frontiers of Gender Equality: Transnational Legal Perspectives, Cook, R. J., ed. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023) 406-429.

Cook, R. J. “Many Paths to Gender Equality,” Introduction to Frontiers of Gender Equality: Transnational Legal Perspectives (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2023) 1-15.  Chapter online.

Undurraga, V. and R. J. Cook, “Article 12” [Health], in Patricia Schulz, Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Beate Rudolf and Marsha A. Freeman, eds., The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Commentary 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, 2022) 459-486.

Sheehan, K., and R. J. Cook, “Collective Dimensions of Complaints and Remedies,” in Journal of Law and Equality, 19: 50-59 (2022). Online here.

Dickens, B. M. and R.J. Cook, “Transgender Law and Stereotypical (Non)Conformity: From Biological Determinism to Gender Autonomy,” in  Mélanges Robert P. Kouri – L’humain au cœur du droit, (Cowansville, éditions Yvon Blais, 2021), 13-39.

Erdman, J. N.  and R. J. Cook, “Decriminalization of abortion: A human rights imperative,” in Iqbal H. Shah, ed., “Abortion: Global Perspectives and Country Experiences,” Special Issue of Best Practice & Research: Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 62 (Jan. 2020): 11-24. Abstract and article online.

Rodriguez de Assis Machado, Marta and R. J. Cook, “Constitutionalizing abortion in Brazil,” Revista de Investigações Constitucionais / Journal of Constitutional Research, Curitiba, 5.3 (sept/dez 2018): 185-231, set./dez. 2018. English abstract and article..    Abstract in Portuguese. Article in Portuguese.

Cook, R.J.   “Sir Nigel Rodley’s Insights on the Feminist Transformation of the Right of Conscience,” Sir Nigel Rodley Human Rights Conference, Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, University of Cincinnati College of Law, October 28–29, 2017,Human Rights Quarterly 40.2 (May 2018): 255-259. 

Cook, R. J. and Cusack, S. “The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,” (Toronto: University of Toronto T-Space, 2017), 15 pp. Submitted text online.

Diniz, D., S. Gumieri, B. Galli Bevilacqua, R.J. Cook and B.M. Dickens, "Zika Virus Infection in Brazil and Human Rights Obligations", International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 136.1 (2017) 105-110.

Cook, R.J. and B.M. Dickens, "Legal and Ethical Factors in Sexual and Reproductive Health," in Biopsychosocial Factors in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ed. Leroy C. Edozien and P.M. Shaughn O'Brien, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017) 209-217.

(With C. Weiss) “Gender Stereotyping in the Military: Insights From Court Cases” in Stereotypes and Human Rights Law, ed. Eva Brems and Alexandra Timmer eds. (Belgium: Intersentia, 2016. 175-198.

(With B. Dickens) “Reproductive Health and the Law” in Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean.  Pamela R. Ferguson and Graeme T. Laurie eds. (Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2015), 3-23.

(With B. Dickens) “Patients’ refusal of recommended treatment,” International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 131.1 (2015), 105-108.

(With B. Dickens) “Types of Consent in Reproductive Health Care," International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 128 (2015) 181–184.

“Stigmatized Meanings of Criminal Abortion Law,”  in R. J. Cook, J.N. Erdman and B.M. Dickens, eds., Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014), 347-369.

(With J.N. Erdman and B.M. Dickens) "Introduction" in Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies,  ed. Rebecca J. Cook, Joanna N. Erdman and Bernard M. Dickens (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014), 1-10.

“Stigmatized Meanings of Criminal Abortion Law,”  in R. J. Cook, J.N. Erdman and B.M. Dickens, eds., Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective: Cases and Controversies (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014), 347-369.

(With B. Dickens) "Reducing Stigma in Reproductive Health" International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 125 (2014), 89–92.

(With S. Dunn) “Medical abortion in Canada:  Behind the Times” 186.1 (Jan. 7, 2014) Canadian Medical Association Journal, 13.

(with C. Ngwena, & E. Durojaye) “The Right to Health in Post-Apartheid Era South Africa,” in Jose Zuniga, Stephen Marks and Lawrence Gostin, eds., Advancing  the Human Right to Health (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

Human Rights and Maternal Health: Exploring the Effectiveness of the Alyne Decision”. 41.1(Spring 2013) Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics  103-123. A Portuguese translation is forthcoming in the Revista de Direito do Estado. Abstract can be found here.

(With B.M. Dickens) "Upholding Pregnant Women's Right to Life” 117 (2012) International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 90-94.

(With Fathalla, M.F.) “Women, abortion and the new technical and policy guidance from WHO" 90 (2012) Bulletin of the World Health Organization 712.

(With Dorothy Shaw) “Applying human rights to improve access to reproductive health services,” 119 (2012) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics S55–S59.

(With S. Cusack) “Combating Discrimination Based on Sex and Gender” in International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook, Krause, C and Scheinin, M. eds. (Turku, Finland: Institute for Human Rights, Abo Akademi University, 2009) 206-226.  Second, revised edition (Turku, Finland: Institute for Human Rights, Abo Akademi University, 2012) 211-242.

(With V. Undurraga) “Article 12 [Health]” in M. Freeman, C. Chinkin and B. Rudolf (eds.), The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Commentary (Oxford University Press, 2012) 311-333.

(With B.M. Dickens) “Patients’ Rights” in Ruth Chadwick, ed.  Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, 2nd ed., vol. 3.  (San Diego: Academic Press, 2012) 370-379.

(With B.M. Dickens and S.A. Cusack) "Unethical Female Stereotyping in Reproductive Health" 109 (2010) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 255-258.

Spanish translation: Download PDF.

(with B.M. Dickens) "Special Commentary on the Issue of Reinfibulation" 109 (2010) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 97-99.

(with B.M. Dickens) "Hymen Reconstruction: Ethical and Legal Issues" 107 (2009) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 266-269.

(with B.M. Dickens) "Dilemmas in Intimate Partner Violence" 106 (2009) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 72-75.

(with B.M. Dickens) "From Reproductive Choice to Reproductive Justice" 106 (2009) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 249-252. 

(with M. Arango Olaya and B.M. Dickens) "Healthcare Responsibilities and Conscientious Objection" 104 (2009) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 249-252.

Spanish: "Responsabilidades en los servicios de salud y objecione conciencia" 13 (June 2009) Revista Argentina de Teoria Juridica, 1-10.

"Transparency in the Delivery of Lawful Abortion Services" Canadian Medical Association Journal 180.3 (Feb. 3, 2009): 272-273.

(with S. Cusack) "Combating Discrimination Based on Sex and Gender" in C. Krause and M. Scheinin eds. International Protection of Human Rights: A Textbook (Turku: Institute for Human Rights, Abo Akademi University, 2009) 206-226.

(with V. Undurraga) "Constitutional Incorporation of International and Comparative Human Rights Law: The Colombian Constitutional Court Decision C-355/2006" in S.H. Williams ed. Constituting Equality: Gender Equality and Comparative Constitutional Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) pp. 215-247.

(with B.M. Dickens)  "Multiple Pregnancy: Legal and Ethical Issues" (2008) 103 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 270-274.

(with J.N. Erdman) "Sexual & Reproductive Health: Reproductive Rights" in H.K. Heggenhougen and S. Quah, eds. International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2008) pp. 532-538.

(with J.N. Erdman, M. Hevia and B. M. Dickens) "Prenatal Management of Anencephaly"  (2008) 102 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 304-308.

Spanish: "Manejo Prenatal de la Anencefalia" trans. Sandra Dughman, in  88.982 (Dec 2009): Revista de la Sociedad de Obstetricia y Ginecologia deBuenos Aires, 225-233.

(with C.G. Ngwena) guest editors’ Editorial to the symposium edition on HIV/AIDS, Pregnancy, and Reproductive Autonomy 8.1 Developing World Bioethics, April 2008 pp. iii-vi.

“Ethical Concerns in Female Genital Cutting,” (2008) 12.1 African Journal of Reproductive Health 7-11.  French version pp. 12-16.

(with J.N. Erdman and B.M. Dickens) "Achieving Transparency in Implementing Abortion Laws" (2007) 99 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 157-161.

(with B.M. Dickens) "The Introduction of Reversible Sterilization" editorial (2007) 99 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1-3.

(with B.M. Dickens) "Reproductive Health and Public Health Ethics" (2007) 99 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 75-79.

(with J.N. Erdman & B.M. Dickens)  “Respecting Adolescents’ Confidentiality and Reproductive and Sexual Choices” (2007) 98 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 182-187.

(with B.M. Dickens) "Acquiring Human Embryos for Stem-Cell Research" (2007) 96 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 67-71.

(with S. Howard) "Accommodating Women's Differences under the Women's Anti-Discrimination Convention" (2007) 56 Emory Law Journal 1039-1091.

(with J.N. Erdman) "Women's Rights to Reproductive and Sexual Health in a Global Context" (Nov 2006) 28.11 Journal of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 991-997.

(With A. Ortega-Ortiz, S. Romans & L.E. Ross.) "Legal Abortion for Mental Health Indications" (2006) 95 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 185-190.

Cook, R.J.  Foreword to Excerpts of the Constitutional Court’s Ruling that Liberalized Abortion in Colombia (Madrid: Women’s Link Worldwide, 2007), pp. 5-11.  Spanish translation in same volume. 

            Reprinted in Reproductive Health Matters 15.29 (2007): 1-3.

(With C.G. Ngwena.) "Women's Access to Healthcare: the Legal Framework" in World Report on Women's Health, Women's Right to Health and the Millennium Development Goals, ed. D. Shaw, (2006) 94 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 216-225.

(With B.M. Dickens,) "The Growing Abuse of Conscientious Objection" op-ed, (May 2006) 8(5): Virtual Mentor: Ethics Journal of the American Medical Association, 337-340.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Legal and Ethical Issues in Telemedicine and Robotics"(2006) 94 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 73-78.

(With B.M. Dickens and J.N. Erdman,) "Emergency Contraception, Abortion and Evidence-Based Law" (2006) 93 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 191-197.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Conflict of Interest: Legal and Ethical Aspects" (2006) 92 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 192-197.

(With B.M. Dickens & S. Thapa.) "Caring for Victims of Sexual Abuse" (2005) 91 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 194-199.

(With Dickens, B.M.) G.I. Serour & R.Z. Qiu. "Sex Selection: Treating Different Cases Differently" (2005) 90 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 171-177.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Adolescents and Consent to Treatment" (2005) 89 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 179-184.

"Exploring Fairness in Health Care Reform" (2004) 29(3) Journal for Juridical Science 1-27.

  • Reprinted in The ICFAI Journal of Healthcare Law 3.4 (2005): 35-59.
  • Reprinted in L. Elit and J. Chamberlain-Froese, eds., Women's Health in the Majority World: Issues and Initiatives (New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2007) 109-132.

"Abortion, Human Rights and the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)," in Preventing Unsafe Abortion and its Consequences: Priorities for Research and Action, Warriner I. K. and Shah I. H. (eds.) (New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2006), pp. 15-33.

(With Erdman J.N.) "Protecting Fairness in Women's Health: The Case of Emergency Contraception," in Flood C.M. ed., Just Medicare: What's In, What's Out, Who Decides (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006), pp. 137-167.

(With Ngwena, C.) "Rights concerning health" in Socio-economic rights in South Africa, Brand, D. and Heyns, C.H., (eds). (Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press, 2005), pp. 107-151.

(With S. Cusack.) "Women's Rights" chapter in The Essentials of Human Rights, Smith, R.K.M. and Van Den Anker, C. (eds) (London: Hodder Arnold, 2005), pp. 366-69.

(With B.M. Dickens & S. Syed.) "Obstetric Fistula: The Challenge to Human Rights" (2004) 87 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 72-77.

(With B.M. Dickens.) "Adolescents' Reproductive Health Care" 58 (2004) Entre Nous: The World Health Organization/European Regional Magazine for Reproductive and Sexual Health 13-15.

(With B.M. Dickens & M. Horga.) "Safe Abortion: WHO Technical and Policy Guidance" (2004) 86 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 78-84.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Dimensions of Informed Consent to Treatment" (2004) 85 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 309-314.

(With Galli Bevilacqua, Maria Beatriz.) "Invoking Human Rights to Reduce Maternal Deaths," The Lancet 363: 73 (2004).

"Celebrating Vishaka: Judicial Enforcement of Wfomen's Human Rights," in Liberty, Equality and Justice: Struggles for a New Social Order (ILS Law College Platinum Jubilee Commemoration Volume), S.P. Sathe and Sathya Narayan (eds.) Lucknow, India: Eastern Book Company, 2003, pp. 325-344.

"Reproductive Rights" in Encyclopedia of Population, Paul Demeny and Geoffrey McNicoll (eds.), 2 vols. New York: MacMillan Reference, 2003; vol 2, pp. 846-848.

"Access to Emergency Contraception" Journal of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 25(11): 914-916 (2003).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Ethical and Legal Approaches to 'the Fetal Patient'" International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 83: 85-91 (2003).

(With Faundes, A. and Dickens, B.M.) "Ectopic Pregnancy and Emergency Care" International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 82: 121-126 (2003).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Human Rights Dynamics of Abortion Law Reform" Human Rights Quarterly 25: 1-59 (2003).  (Also available on the Publications page of the Reproductive & Sexual Health Law Programme)

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Challenges of Ethical Research in Resource-Poor Settings," International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 80: 79-86 (2003).

(With Dickens, B.M. and M.F. Fathalla.) "Female Genital Cutting (Mutilation/ Circumcision): Ethical and Legal Dimensions," International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 79: 281-87 (2002).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Patient Care and the Health-Impaired Practitioner," International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 78: 171-177 (2002).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Etyczne aspekty prawa aborcyjnego [Ethical concerns in Abortion Laws]" Dylematy Bioetyki [Dilemmas of Bioethics], edited by Kazimierz Szewczyk. Translated into Polish by Anny Alichniewicz and Anny Szczesnej. Lodz, Poland: Lodz Academy of Medicine, 93-115 (2001).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "The Injustice of Unsafe Motherhood," Developing World Bioethics 2 (1): 64-81 (2002).

  • Reprinted in The Bioethics Reader: Editors’ Choice.  Ed. Ruth Chadwick, Helga Kuhse, Willem A. Landman, Udo Schuklenk, and Peter Singer (Malden MA:  Blackwell Publishing, 2007) 459-476.

"Developments in Judicial Approaches to Sexual and Reproductive Health," Medicine and Law 21(1): 155-164 (2002).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Human Rights to Safe Motherhood," (2002) 76 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 225.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Human Rights and HIV-Positive Women," International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 77: 55-63 (2002).

"Compliance with Reproductive Rights" in Discrimination and Toleration: New Perspectives, Kirsten Hastrup and George Ulrich eds. (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2002) 229.

"Abortion Laws" in Encyclopedia of Public Health, Lester Breslow ed. (New York and Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002) 5.

"Fostering Compliance with Reproductive Rights" in An Agenda For People: The UNFPA Through Three Decades, Nafis Sadik (ed.), New York and London: New York University Press, 2002, pp. 47-80.

Portuguese edition: “Estimulando a efetivação dos direitos reprodutivos” in Reprodução e Sexualidade: Uma Questão de Justiça (Porto Alegre, Brazil: Sergio Antonio Fabris, 2001), 13-60. (With Dickens, B.M., Ngwena, C. and Plata, M.I.) "Emergency Contraception," (2001) 75 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 185.

Cook, R.J., B.M. Dickens, C. Ngwena & M.I. Plata. “The Legal Status of Emergency Contraception” (2001) 75 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 185-191.

Spanish edition: “La Situación Legal de la Anticoncepción de Emergencia” (Bogotà, Colombia, Profamilia, 2001).

(With Dickens, B.M.) "The Management of Severely Malformed Newborn Infants: The Case of Conjoined Twins," (2001) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 69.

(With Pretorius, R.) "Duties to Implement Reproductive Rights: The Case of Adolescents," Women”s Rights and Bioethics, L. Dennerstein ed. (Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2001) 175.

  • French edition: Droits des femmes et bioéthique (Paris: UNESCO 2002)

"Effectiveness of the Beijing Conference in Fostering Compliance with International Law Regarding Women" in United Nations-Sponsored World Conferences: Focus on Impact and Follow-Up, Schechter M.G. ed. (Tokyo, New York, Paris: United Nations University Press, 2001) pp.65.

"Advancing Safe Motherhood through Human Rights" in Giving Meaning to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, I. Merali and V. Oosterveld eds. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001) 109.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "The Scope and Limits of Conscientious Objection," (2000) 71 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 71.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Law and Ethics in Conflict over Confidentiality?" (2000) 70 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 385.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Recognizing adolescents' 'evolving capacities' to exercise choice in reproductive healthcare," (2000) 70(1) International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, World Report on Women”s Health - Year 2000 13.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Voluntary and involuntary sterilization: denials and abuses of rights," (2000) 68 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 61.

"Developments in Abortion Laws: Comparative and International Perspectives" in Medical Ethics at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Raphael Cohen-Almagor ed. (New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 2000) 74.

(With Merali, I.) "The Interpretation and Application of Human Rights by Commonwealth Courts to Reproductive and Sexual Health," (1999) 25 (25th anniversary issue) Commonwealth Law Bulletin 109.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "The FIGO study group on women's sexual and reproductive rights," (1999) 67 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 55.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Ethical and legal issues in asisted reproductive technology," (1999) 66 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 55.

"The Human Rights Dimensions of Maternal Mortality" (1999) Gender and Population Studies Series, Edited by Antonella Pinnelli. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), 1.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Human rights and abortion laws," (1999) 65 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 81.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Ethics, Justice and Women”s Health" (1999) 64 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 81.

(With Dickens, B.M. and Bliss L.E.) "International Developments in Abortion Law: 1988-1998" (1999) 89(4) American Journal of Public Health 579.

  • Spanish edition “Cambios en la legislación de aborto a nivel mundial, de 1988 a 1998,” (2001) ModemMujer (, Rayas L. (trans.)

“Advancing Safe Motherhood Through Human Rights" (1999) 21(4) Journal of the Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Canada 363.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Are “Embryo and “Fetus” Differentiated in Law?," (1999) 43-44 Entre Nous: The World Health Organization/European Regional Magazine for Reproductive and Sexual Health 20.

"Overcoming Discrimination: Introduction" in The Rule of Law and The Underprivileged in Latin America, eds. Guillermo O”Donnell, Juan Mendez and Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999) 109.

"Fostering Compliance with Women”s Rights in the Inter-American System," (1998) 11(1) (Special Issue on the 50th anniversary of the OAS Declaration on the Rightfs and Duties of Man) Revue Quebecoise de Droit International/Inter-American Institute of Human Rights 129.

"Advancing Safe Motherhood Through Human Rights" (1998) 1998/1 Planned Parenthood Challenges 3.

"State Accountability for Women”s Health," (1998) 49(1) International Digest of Health Legislation 265.

(With Fathalla, M.F.) "Duties to Implement Reproductive Rights," (1998) 67(1) Nordic Journal of International Law 1.

"Human Rights Law and Safe Motherhood" (1998) 5 European Journal of Health Law 357.

(With Jejeebhoy, S.J.) "State Accountability for Wife-Beating: the Indian Challenge," (1997) 349 The Lancet (Supplement I: Women”s Health): sl10-sl12.

"UN Human Rights Committees Advance Reproductive Rights," (1997) 10 Reproductive Health Matters 151.

"Reproductive Health Law: Where Next After Cairo and Beijing," (1997) 16(1) Medicine and Law 169.

"A Health-for-Women Strategy," (1997) 18(2) World Health Forum 131.

(With Fathalla, M.F.) "Advancing Reproductive Rights Beyond Cairo and Beijing," (1996) 22(3) International Family Planning Perspectives 115;

  • Reprinted in Women and International Human Rights Law, Vol. 3, Askin, K.D. & Koenig, D.M. eds. (Ardsley, New York: Transnational Publishers, 2001) 73.

"Human Rights and Reproductive Self-Determination" (1995) 44(4) American University Law Review (symposium edition on reproductive self-determination) 975.

(With Oosterveld, V.L.) "A Select Bibliography of Women”s Human Rights Law" (1995) 44(4) American University Law Review (symposium edition on reproductive self-determination) 1429. Updated periodically on the internet at:

"Gender, Health and Human Rights" (1995) 1(4) Health and Human Rights (symposium edition on women”s health and human rights) 350.

  • Reprinted in Health and Human Rights: A Reader, Jonathan M. Mann, Sofia Gruskin, Michael A. Grodin and George J. Annas eds. (New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 1999) 253.

"Enforcing Women”s Rights Through Law" (1995) 3(2) Gender and Development (symposium edition on women and rights) 8.

"Women”s Health from Cairo to Beijing and Beyond" (1995) 346 The Lancet 835.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "A Woman”s Legal Right to Choose" in Modern Methods of Inducing Abortion, Baird, D.T., Grimes, D.A. & Van Look, P.F.A. eds. (Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Science Ltd., 1995) 190.

"Human Rights, HIV Infection and Women" in HIV Law, Ethics and Human Rights, Jayasuriya, D.C. ed. (New Delhi, India: UNDP Regional Project on HIV and Development, 1995) 235.

"Women" in The United Nations Legal Order, Schachter, O. and Joyner, C. eds. (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1995) 433.

  • Revised and updated edition: as "Women" in The United Nations and International Law, Joyner, Christopher C. ed., (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press and the American Society of International Law, 1997) 181].

"State Responsibility for Violations of Women”s Human Rights" (1994) 7 Harvard Human Rights Journal 125.

(With Plata, M.I.) "Women”s Reproductive Self-Determination: Evolutionary Models," (1994) 3 Development (symposium edition on Population and Development) 29.

(With Plata, M.I.) "Women”s Reproductive Rights" (1994) 46 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (symposium edition on Women”s Health) 215.

"Feminism and the Four Principles" in Principles of Health Care Ethics, Gillon, R. ed. (Sussex, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. 1994) 193.

Spanish edition: “El Feminismo y Los Cuatro Principios Éticos” in Etica y Salud Reproductiva, Pérez, G.C., Figueroa, J.G. and Mejia, M.C. (eds.) (Mexico: Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género, 1996), pp. 173-198."Contraception and Abortion: Legal Distinctions and Dynamics" in The Beginning of Human Life, Beller, F.K. and Weir, R.F., eds. (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Pubs., 1994) 163.

“Legal and Ethical Approaches to Research on Women’s Reproductive Health” in Essays in Honour of Jan Štepán, Bednarikova, J. and Chapman, F.C. (eds.) (Lausanne, Switzerland: Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, 1994), pp. 107-124.

"State Accountability under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women" in Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives, Cook, R.J. ed. (Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994) 228.

  • Spanish edition: “La Responsibilidad del Estado según la Convención para la Eliminación de todas las formas de Discriminatión contra la Mujer” in Derechos Humanos de la Mujer: Perspectivas Nacionales e Internacionales, Cook, R.J. (ed.) (Bogotá, Colombia, Profamilia, 1997), pp. 226-253
  • Chinese edition: (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press and Chinese Encyclopedia Publishing House, 2003), 260-290.

"Enforcing Women”s International Human Rights" in Women”s Rights Human Rights, Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos, A. ed. (Athens, Greece: Hestia Pubs., 1994) 29.

“Accountability in International Law for Violations of Women’s Rights by Non-State Actors” in Reconceiving Reality: Women and International Law, Dallmeyer, D.G. (ed.), Studies in Transnational Legal Policy #25 (Washington, D.C.: American Society of International Law, 1993) 93-116.

  • Excerpted in: International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals – Text and Materials, ed. R. Goodman, H.J. Steiner and P. Alston, 3rd edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007) pp. 221-222.

"From Abortion to Contraception - The Role of the Law" in Progress Postponed: Abortion in Europe in the 1990s, Newman, K., ed. (London, U.K.: International Planned Parenthood Federation, 1993) 60.

"International Human Rights and Women”s Reproductive Health" (1993) 24 Studies in Family Planning 73;

  • Spanish edition: Derechos Humanos, mortalidad materna y salud reproductiva" (1993) June 9 Profamilia 43-68.
  • Reprinted in Women”s Rights Human Rights, Peters J. and Wolper A. (eds.) New York, (N.Y.: Routledge, 1995) pp. 275;
  • Reprinted in Women, Medicine, Ethics and the Law, Sherwin S. and Parish B. eds. (London, U.K.: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2002) pp. 37-50.

"Women”s International Human Rights Law: The Way Forward" (1993) 15 Human Rights Quarterly 230;

  • Reprinted in (1992) 5(4) Thatched Patio (Sri Lanka) 29-63
  • Reprinted inHuman Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives, R.J. Cook ed. (Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press 1994) 3-36.
  • Spanish edition: “Los derechos humanos internacionale de la mujer: el camino a seguir” in Derechos Humanos de la Mujer: Perspectivas Nacionales e Internacionales, Cook, R.J. (ed.) (Bogotá, Colombia, Profamilia, 1997), pp. 3-33.

"International Law and Women”s Health" in Gender, Women and Health in the Americas, Gomez, E.G., ed. (Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization, 1993) 244.

"New Reproductive Technologies: International Legal Issues and Instruments" in Overview of Legal Issues in Reproductive Technologies, Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, Research Studies vol 3, (Ottawa: Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, 1993) 659.

"International Protection of Women”s Reproductive Rights" (1992) 24 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (symposium edition on Women”s International Human Rights) 645.

"Women”s International Human Rights: A Bibliography" (1992) 24 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (symposium edition on Women”s International Human Rights) 857, revised and updated from "The International Right to Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex: A Bibliography" (1989) 14 Yale Journal of International Law 161.

(With Lampé, L.G. & R.J. Cook. “Macroethical Responsibilities of Gynecologists and Obstetricians” (1992) 38 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1-3. (With Grimes, D.A) Invited Editorial, "Mifepristone (RU 486): An Abortifacient to Prevent Abortion?" (1992) 327 New England Journal of Medicine 1088.

(With Grimes, D.A.) (guest editors) symposium edition on Antiprogestin Drugs: Ethical, Legal and Medical Issues, (1992) 20(3) Law, Medicine and Health Care 248 pp.

(With Grimes, D.A.) Guest Editors” Introduction to the symposium edition on Antiprogestin Drugs: Ethical, Legal and Medical Issues, (1992) 20 Law, Medicine and Health Care 149.

"Clandestine Abortions are Not Necessarily Illegal" (1991) 23 Family Planning Perspectives 283.

(guest editor), symposium edition on Realizing the Rights of Women in Development Processes: Women”s Legal Entitlements to Agricultural Development and Financial Assistance, Third World Legal Studies - 1991, 179 pp.

"Guest Editor’s Introduction to the symposium edition on Realizing the Rights of Women in Development Processes: Women”s Legal Entitlements to Agricultural Development and Financial Assistance," Third World Legal Studies - 1991 vi-ix.

"Ethics in Family Planning" (1990) 2 Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology (symposium edition on Family Planning) 556.

"The Women”s Convention: Opportunities for the Commonwealth" (1990) 16 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 610;

  • Reprinted in (1990) 8 Commonwealth Judicial Journal 10.

"Reservations to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women" (1990) 30 Virginia Journal of International Law 643.

  • Excerpted in H. J. Steiner and P. Alston, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals-Text and Materials (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996), pp 919-920; and in H. J. Steiner and P. Alston, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals-Text and Materials, 2nd edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) pp. 441-442, and in R. Goodman, H.J. Steiner and P. Alston, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals-Text and Materials, 3rd edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 1126.

"International Human Rights Law Concerning Women: Case Notes and Comments" (1990) 23 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 779.

"Antiprogestin Drugs: Medical and Legal Issues" (1989) 21 Family Planning Perspectives 267;

· Reprinted in (1991) 42 Mercer Law Review 971.

"International Dimensions of the Department of Justice Arguments in the Webster Case" (1989) 17 Law, Medicine and Health Care 384.

"Reducing Maternal Mortality: A Priority for Human Rights Law" in Issues in Human Reproduction, McLean, S.A.M., ed. (Aldershot, U.K.: Gower Publishers, 1989) 185.

"The 1979 Women”s Convention" (1988) 10(35) National Law Journal 34.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "International Developments in Abortion Law: 1977-1988" (1988) 78 American Journal of Public Health 1305.

"The U.S. Export of “Pipeline” Therapeutic Drugs" (1987) 12 Columbia Journal of Environmental Law 39.

"Ethnic Cultures and Discrimination Against Women" (1987) 3 Nemesis (Dutch Periodical) 49 (also available in Dutch).

(With Maine, D.) "Spousal Veto Over Family Planning Services" (1987) 77 American Journal of Public Health 339.

  • Reprinted in (1988) 3 The Lawyers 56-58 and 61-62;
  • Spanish edition (1987) 3 Profamilia 30.

"Human Rights and Infant Survival: A Case for Priorities" (1986-87) 18 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 1.

"Antiprogesterones and the Law" (1986) 20(5) International Planned Parenthood Federation Medical Bulletin 2. (also available in French and Spanish).

(With Haws, J.M.) "The United Nations Women”s Convention on the Rights of Women: Opportunities for Family Planning Providers" (1986) 12 International Family Planning Perspectives 49;

  • Spanish edition (1987) 3(9&10) Profamilia 10
  • (also available in Arabic and French).

"Your Health and the Law" in Every Woman”s Legal Guide (2nd ed.) Burnett, B., ed. (New York, N.Y.: Nelson Doubleday, 1985) 118. [Revised and updated from pp. 101 123 in 1st edition, 1983].

(With Isaacs, S.L.) "Laws and Policies Affecting Fertility: A Decade of Change" (1984) Series E, 7 Population Reports (Johns Hopkins University) 105

  • (also available in Arabic, French and Spanish).

"Modern Medical Technologies in Commonwealth Law and Beyond" (1983) 17(4) International Planned Parenthood Federation Medical Bulletin 1.(also available in French and Spanish).
(With Bhiwandiwala, P.P., Dickens, B.M. and Potts, M.) "Menstrual Therapies in Commonwealth Asian Laws" (1982) 20 International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 273.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Abortion Laws in African Commonwealth Countries" (1981) 25(2) Journal of African Law 60.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "Development of Commonwealth Abortion Law" (1979) 28 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 424.

(With Paxman, J.M.) "Law and Planned Parenthood" in Birth Control: An International Assessment, Potts, M. and Bhiwandiwala P.P., eds. (Lancaster, U.K.: MTP Press, 1979) 227.

(With Dickens, B.M.) "A Decade of International Change in Abortion Law: 1967-1977" (1978) 68 American Journal of Public Health 637.

"Distribution of Oral Contraceptives: Legal Changes and New Concepts of Preventative Care" (1976) 66 American Journal of Public Health 591.

"Formulating Population Policy: A Case Study of the United States" (1974) 3 Environmental Affairs 47;

Reprinted in Population Policy Making in the American Stfates, Bergman, E., Carter, D.N., Cook, R.J. et al. eds. (Boston, MA: D.C. Heath, 1974) 15.

"Formulating Population Policies: A Legal Approach" (l973) 3 LAWASIA 86-107&

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